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The Depths—The Neptune


40º 18' 16.5745" N
73º 7' 24.7219" W


A week had passed.

A full week of nothing but interrogations over what happened with Hardin and Mitch—Though truthfully, Delilah knew just what the objective here is.

The law was being bent in an attempt to better Hardin's person, while also trying to silence Mitch and his family. And truly, the only reason they couldn't threaten his job (in Delilah's opinion at the very least) is because she is the one who has that power.

This type of safety net allowed the rest of her team to work in the vast ocean just outside the Ark's regular reach, and it was just as freeing as the rest remember it to be. Given that the morning following the entire incident put their objectives and deadlines on hold.

Messing up the entire timeline Delilah had worked hard in trying to keep together, and with how much others were relying on the efforts of this small team, it meant that pushing the schedule for overtime hours was the only way to handle the lost time.

But ultimately that had cause for damning hours, a few sleepless nights—And even worse, the Neptune not returning to the Ark in an effort to save time and resources to get the job done.

Today marked the third day of the team remaining off and away from the Ark, but Delilah had worked well in advance to add a few perks to their long voyage. Fresh food and entertainment were allowed on the vehicle. However, it did take a bit of convincing from Mitch to be able to download a few films onto their tablet to enjoy.

And all Delilah could do was nod when Mitch had turned halfway through the movie, knowing that he was entirely right. Not to mention the fact that everyone was sleeping much better than in the confinements of the Ark.

Delilah, being one of the few.

However, she had only allowed herself to enjoy half of the movie before she excused herself to the lower deck—Her private quarters. There, the dozens of pending requests that needed her attention were all visible on both her monitor screen and personal tablet. This work would keep her busy long into the night shift, and even though she could hear the laughter and the music throughout the cabin, it was enough to feel included.

Yet seeing a very active and very recent inquiry from her no-so-real betrothed had only returned the anger and stress she worked so hard to get away from—Not that her fiancee truly cared as to where she is or what she was doing.
It's simply just him abusing his power.

One that she flicked away without a second thought, though now it lingered, especially when they were due to return in the next day and a half.

Every time Delilah caught the number decreasing, she started to worry as to what could possibly be happening when she did return. For now, she and every one the crew wer safe from the Ark's politics—But who's to say that there was anything brewing underneath her father and his men?

In particular her brother and his men.

There was a power struggle, nobody could deny that. Rendering the new generation of those born to the Ark as a way to self-motivate. Clearly, everyone was waiting for the issues to solve themselves.
That the promise they're not so distant ancestries declared in returning to the Earth's surface was going to be sooner rather than later, but that could not possibly happen if no one survived the Ark.

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