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Jungkook watched fondly as the little boy walked out of sight once he was back in his car.

He had never met someone quite so unique and innocent as Taehyung before, and yet the man found him absolutely endearing.

He peeled his now soaked coat off himself and placed it in the back seat, getting himself comfy and putting the heated seats on as his car started up.

Jungkook was worried about Taehyung, even though the walk to the university from here wasn't that far. He was just so tiny and fragile looking. Like he could break at any moment.

He had so many questions and yet didn't know where to start. But he somehow hoped he would see the younger again.

Jungkook smiled as he thought about his cute phrases and boxy smile, shaking his head to clear his mind as he pulled out onto the street. Cringing slightly as his drenched suit clung to him.

He's thankful he always keeps spare changes of clothes at his office.


Taehyung walked into his bedroom exhausted, shutting his door with a heavy sigh and resting his back against it.

He had thankfully not seen anyone else on his floor which meant no meanie Baek.

Taehyung slipped off his shoes and placed his wet shopping bag to dry by the door, not wanting to get anything else wet in the room.

"i fell in a puddle nugget!" he exasperatedly called out to his friend, who came into view the further the younger stepped in.

The bear was still propped up on the bed with his back against the wall, the exact same place Taehyung had left him in order to get good surveillance of the room.

Taehyung's eyes were wide as he pointed to himself in shock.

"i got wet!" he pouted, hating the feeling of his clothing sticking to his skin. "a-and i hurt my knees. I will have to go get hello kitty nuggie" the boy pouted even harder, fighting the urge to cry.

But he quickly remembered the kind man that helped him up from the puddle.

"oh!" he gasped excitedly, turning back to his bear. "but Jungkookie showed me how to tie my laces!! i'll have to show you how to Nugget. it's really easy peasy. you just make bunnie ears!"

The boy giggled to himself at the nickname he's just given the elder, walking into his bathroom to strip off his clothes. He debated just getting into comfy pjs but didn't want to go to bed with rain smelling hair. And so he got in the shower, hissing as the hot water made contact with his knees.

"ouchie!" Taehyung whimpered, looking down. His left knee was only red, but his right was grazed and cut, a blue and purple bruise forming below.

"i-it's okay taetae, hello kitty will fix it" he told himself, wiping away his tears as his knees began to sting badly.

He wished his mommy was here to kiss it better. That always helped!

But she wasn't, and the boy was all alone.

Taehyung quickly finished washing himself, using his favourite vanilla scented shampoo that made his hair smell like a vanilla bean as he father would say.

He got out and dried himself, being careful to avoid his knees and wincing when his towel made contact.

"okay nuggie!" Taehyung declared, running back into his room with nothing but a large oversized jumper on. His hair was only partially dried but the boy had more important business.

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