Chapter 91

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Lu Zheng'an's decision was made suddenly and he did not have time to discuss it with Song Huaishu. After making an agreement with Lu Changgen, Lu Zhengan went to Hualong Town again at dawn the next day.

After telling Song Huaishu about his request for Linzhou City, Lu Zhengan couldn't help but worry that Song Huaishu would oppose his decision when he saw his frown.

Fortunately, Song Huaishu only hesitated for a moment, then nodded, and then looked at Lu Zheng'an eagerly and asked, "So, maybe you can come back before the Mid-Autumn Festival?"

Seeing Song Huaishu holding back his reluctance, Lu Zhengxin felt guilty, took him into his arms, and said warmly: "Linzhou City is not far from us. It took three days to come back. Today is the eighth day of August. I will go over to see how the situation is. No matter good or bad, I will definitely come back before the Mid-Autumn Festival to spend the holidays with you and my daughter."

Lu Zheng'an always meant what he said. After hearing what he said, Song Huaishu could only nod his head no matter how unbearable or worried he was. "Okay, but it's not as good as home outside. After you go out, don't be reluctant to eat flowers. You must take good care of yourself."

Song Xiren on the side felt a little uneasy when he heard that Lu Zhengan was going to Linzhou. I wanted to go with him, but Lu Zhengan refused.

"It will take at least three or four days for me to go there, and it won't work if I don't have a worker at home. And you have to look after the shop there, so I'll go by myself this time."

Song Xiren looked back at the old and young people behind him, and he could only agree. I was just worried that he would go out alone, so I asked Lu Zhengan carefully several times. It wasn't until the Song Lan family next to him thought he was nagging and yelled at him twice, that Song Xiren gave up.

"Remember what your father said, if you are poor and have a rich life, don't be afraid of spending money when you go out. Although our family is not rich, we are not short of money."

Hearing this, Lu Zhengan nodded. After Lu Xingyi woke up and played with her for a while, Lu Zhengan left the Song family.

As he went out alone, Lu Zhengan only brought a backpack with him, apart from a change of clothes, and the basket was full of dried peaches. Lu Zheng'an originally planned to bring only ten taels of silver with him, but after hesitating for a moment, he finally took another ten taels of silver notes and found a piece of cloth to sew to the inside of his inner garment.

After everything was packed, Lu Zheng slept peacefully all night. On the ninth day of August, when it was still dark, I arrived at Hualong Town with my backpack on my back.

Because the festival is coming soon, there are not a few vendors traveling to and from Linzhou City doing business. Lu Zheng'an asked no more than three waves of hawkers driving carts at the entrance of the town, and found a cart bound for Linzhou. After some haggling with the boss, I finally paid two hundred cash and got on the cart with my backpack in my arms.

The boss who drove the bus was named Zhang, and he was a fruit seller. He is a strong man, speaks with a voice as loud as a bell, and has a full beard, giving him a very fierce look.

Although Boss Zhang seems to be difficult to get along with on the outside, when we talk about it, we can see that he is a very straightforward man.

The carriage was filled with baskets full of melons and fruits trafficked by Boss Zhang from the south. Lu Zheng'an sat on the cart, listening to what Boss Zhang had seen and heard outside over the years, holding his own backpack and listening with gusto.

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