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Right now Jungkook was laying on his bed exhausted thinking about his date, Taehyung, Taehyung's girlfriend all the things where making his mind a mess.

When he arrived home he directly made his way towards his room ignoring his parents who where impatiently waiting for their son to come home and tell them about his first date . When his mother ask him about dinner so he politely denied it saying that he already ate it. His parents were worried but decided to give  sometime to their precious baby.

He was hurt
Who will not be when the person you love in your whole life love someone else.
Yes he was in love with tae from his school. They both were class fellows and friends. First he has a little crush on tae but then as time passes by he start loving him . He know that tae just see him as a friend and is already in love with their class fellow laia but he don't have control on his heart. He just want tae to be happy so he always help him with laia . As time passes by Jungkook's feelings for tae start to increase he always felt hurt when he see tae and laia together. After sometime tae and laia got in relation and Jungkook was the one to help them with broken heart. But he was happy for tae . He will do anything for tae's happiness. After sometime both tae and laia start having complications in their relation and they broke up . That time Jungkook was with tae helping him to move on . Laia got herself in a new relation. As time passes
After seven years Jungkook decided to tell tae about his feelings.
Jungkook confess his love to tae but tae rejected him saying he still love laia and he see Jungkook just as a friend and he don't want to lose a friend like Jungkook
Jungkook understand him. After a month both graduate and tae went US for studying business and Jungkook admitted himself in a medical college.
Both become busy in their life.

Now seeing each other after so long they felt overwhelmed. Jungkook meet the love of his life the one and only person he loved in his all life. He don't know what to feel.
Feel happy that he met his one and only love?
Feel happy that he is going go get married to his love?
Feel sad that his love already has a girlfriend?

He don't know what to feel
He was just laying in bed while tears were rolling down his cheeks nonstop.

But he took a decision. He decided to become a little selfish.
A little selfish to want his love .
Want his love to marry him
To spent time with him
Yes he is selfish
He want to be in his lovers arms
To spent his day and night with him
To want him in his arms

Even if it is for a little time but still he want it. He want to be his lovers husband.
So what if their marriage is fake
So what if tae don't love him
So what if tae only pretend to love him
He's going to marry him
He's going to love him
He's going to do anything for his love
Even if it will broke him

In his whole life he tell people that he don't believe in love and marriage thingy but reality is different.
In reality he's still in love with Kim Taehyung.
His first and only love.
He tried to move on.
But he know if  "jeon Jungkook is going to fall in love then it will be Kim Taehyung who he fell for". 

Today when tae ask him if he's single and don't believe in love because of him(tae) how badly he want to scream and tell tae that YES he's still single cause he still love him. His heart has stopped beating for everything but tae.

He take his phone out of his pocket and messaged a number indicating

[I'm ready for marriage tae]

           _________ _______ _________

On other side when Taehyung arrived home he directly made his way toward his mom's room  just to see his mother Soo excited to know about his date . He smiled and tell her that date went fine but he got to receive a long ass lecture upon "why date went fine but not awesome".
After sometime he go to his room and fresh up and lay on his bed ready to sleep but his mind start replaying today's date .
Is he going to get married?
To kook?
What about his girlfriend?
He was in his thoughts when a notification pop up on his phone's screen
From a number showing

[I'm ready for marriage tae]

This made tae wonder if he's doing correct or not
What if things doesn't end well
What if kook got hurt
He was scared and
Guilty. Guilty for kook

That night both sleep while tears were flowing from their eyes.


what my "Love" wants [ TAEKOOK]Where stories live. Discover now