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Both Taehyung and jhope were in Jhope's cabin. As the psychiatrist was trying to calm the panicked man.

"Taehyung see those pictures there" jhope said pointing at the pictures hanging at the wall in his cabin. The pictures were a distraction to the people who came suffering from panick attacks. Being a good psychiatrist jhope succeeded in distracting Taehyung.

"Tell me how are you feeling" jhope asked Taehyung who calmed down and now blankly staring at the pictures. Which were hung there to be stare at by the patients

"Tired" Taehyung said In a stoic tone still staring at the pictures as if his mind was still not working properly

" Why? What make you tired" jhope asked. Professionalism was dripping from his voice. Obviously, after handling hundreds of cases like this he was used to it.

"Voice in my head" Taehyung replied his eyes drifting to another picture on the wall

"What are they saying" jhope question. This time he played a soft, calming Melodie in the room so Taehyung don't start panicking while explaining

"I'm bad, useless and a cheater" Taehyung answered still his voice lack emotions

"You are not" jhope told him

"I am. I hurt everyone wherever I go I make things bad" Taehyung start telling the thinks that were messing with his mind. As if the music and the pictures were hypnotizing him

"Tell me more how you feel" jhope asked trying to make Taehyung spill all the things so he can calm down

" Im dumb. Don't know how to explain myself. Don't know what to do.Everyone leave me. Jungkook leave me because I was annoying." Taehyung said remembering the time when Jungkook leave him alone for suffering.

" Tell me more"

" I miss my dad" Taehyung answered this time his voice showing vulnerability but his eyes were still on the pictures. No matter how old we get parents own a special place in our heart which no one can replace. And in this type of situation when we feel like ending our lives, we miss our parents more then anything and needed them to hug us tightly in there arms like they were used to do when we were kids and were afraid after seeing a horror movie. Due to the shock in his mind he was getting flashbacks of his happy, good and bad times.

"Yeah and"

"I love my mom I want to make her happy" Taehyung spoke

"She's already happy because she have such a great son" jhope tried to be positive

"I never wanted to cheat on my partner. I didn't wanted to be a cheater." Taehyung said

"Tell me more" jhope didn't know what to say when he heard the cheating part all the things aside, his patients are his first priorities so he continued his session

"I can't leave her" Taehyung said. Even though jhope doesn't know about anything he questioned

"Why" jhope asked

"We are together from seven years. How can I. I'm not a play boy. I don't have a reason. I want to leave everything because now I'm married but I can't. Are you understanding" Taehyung asked as he know his words doesn't make senses. He always speak nonsense. His girlfriend told him.

"Yeah. I Know. Tell me more"

"I don't want to hurt Jungkook"

"Hmm?" Jhope hummed and Taehyung continued

"I want to make everything right but I don't know how to. I wish I was dead" Taehyung said

"Your death cant make everything right you know." Jhope said

"If I die then Jungkook will not be hurt anymore" Taehyung said.

"You are wrong. If you die then he will be hurt. He loves you" jhope said and listening to the love word Taehyung face him, drifting his eyes from the pictures

"I don't want him to love me. If he will love me then he will be hurt. And I don't want him to be hurt. I want him to be happy" Taehyung explained his eyes seemed dead

"It's okay enough now. Do you want to sleep?" Jhope asked and Taehyung nodded.

On the other hand with Jungkook and Burk. After sometime when Jungkook calmed down he sat in his room with Burk. Now he ran his mind and start thinking about the situation. What causes his husband to behave that way. Why was he panicked. He knows that whatever the situation is, Taehyung do not loose his calm easily.

He was curious so he decided to ask Burk about it

"You were there all the time right" Jungkook questioned Burk who was drinking the water which he bought for Jungkook a while ago to calm the boy

"Ye-es" Burk shuttered. He knows that if Jungkook got to know about the matter then he will be deep under the ground

"When Taehyung came? And what happened to him" Jungkook questioned he was seeing how Burk was shuttering and panicking

"Ahh- I was just- you know- sitting and don't know and you know- he came and start crying you know- and you came" Burk said avoiding eye contact shuttering badly and Jungkook was conformed that the man was lying

"Am I a fool?" Jungkook glare and him and Burk's body broke into sweat he sighs before telling the truth. By that time Jungkook got to know that Burk did something.

"Okay so he came and was not in a good condition but seeing that man's face who hurt you my blood boiled so I said words to him and call him you know - names and he sat on the floor crying. Jungkook I'm sorry I didn't know that it will end like this" Burk said hesitantly looking at Jungkook, then at his hands, table Infront of him, Jungkook, hands, table....

2 minutes of silence

"Jungkook I'm sor-

"Get out" Jungkook said his voice calm but Burk was sure that it was even dangerous that the shoutings


"I said GET OUT" Jungkook said still sitting on the sofa pointing at the door

" Ple-

That's it, Jungkook stand up, went towards Burk, harshly pull burk's hand and start dragging him towards the door

"Please just listen to me once" here the pleadings started. Jungkook pushed Burk out from the room.

"What hah? Are you crazy. Who gave you the rights to call my husband names. What you thought of yourself huh? A mere friend in my life! I'll gladly sacrifice thousands of this type of friends for the one whom you hurt today. Do you even know your place? How DARE YOU CALL MY HUSBAND NAMES. You know what? Just get out from here and don't show me your face again in this life. Bl00dy m0ther fu<king b@stard" with that Jungkook shut the door on burk's face. He knows that he cross the line he shouldn't have said these things to Burk but when it comes to Taehyung then he loose control very easily. No he is not regretting shouting and saying mean things to Burk. For his love he can do anything and everything. And if he said that Burk was just a mere friend then he is ready to sacrifice his life over and over again for Taehyung so what's Burk?

In anger he punched the door harshly which resulted him with a bloody hand

After cooling his anger, Jungkook made his way towards the door with a nameplate of

Dr. Jung Hoseok

He was hesitant to knock, remembering what happened with he tried to touch Taehyung.

He knocked the door and after hearing a ' come in ' he slide the knob open. Peeking his head inside the door he questioned

"Can I come hyung"

"Ohh yes I was waiting for you" jhope said and Jungkook entered the room.


Words: 1305

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