Free Palestine cuz wtf

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No because US is so quick to help anyone but their own goddamn country. Like oh, we're in debt and have an ongoing inflation in our country?? Not our problem.

But there's a colonizing country that's literally mass murdering THOUSANDS of innocent people who have the fucking right to live on the land their ancestors have lived on—oh my God, let's donate 100 billion dollars to that country🥰

I'm paying my fucking taxes just so it can go to a country that is martyring a nation/ethnicity for just existing??

We love good ol' fucking America.

Tell Biden to figure out how to put one foot in front of the other before he and the entire government decide to put their business where it doesn't belong.

My heart goes out for the people in Palestine, and I recently found out about the news that the Academic year of 2023/2024 is no longer due to the massacre that killed all the students.

I couldn't fathom this, like what the actual fuck.

A whole generation killed. A WHOLE GENERATION.

Not to mention how literal premature babies are on life or death due to electricity and fuel on the risk of being cut off. These babies are literally fresh out of the womb and you're telling me they are on the risk of death?

They barely even opened their eyes.

I'm so fucking confused how this isn't enough evidence for people who support Israel, celebrities supporting Israel, countries supporting Israel.

They are literally killing everyone and anything just because they can and have the ability to so. They have the support of large and powerful nations and are being funded for the resources they need to fulfill their wishes.

Their fight isn't with Hammas, and it never was. If it was, why the hell are they eradicating schools, hospitals, churches, houses where families live? How can their fight be with Hamas when there's a settler colonist country bombing right and left in a strip of land where 2 million people are forced to live with no way in or out?

Their fight has always been with the people of Palestine.

To anyone supporting Israel, please understand this isn't a war where you pick who's the bad guy and who isn't, this was already decided 75 years ago when the massacre had already began.

If you're neutral about this, either unsure because you do not have enough information about this, or aren't as educated—or you just want to remain "neutral" because they should have peace on both sides—

Do your research, try using your head to analyze the difference between the conditions in Gaza and the land occupied by Israeli's and see the difference of who is truly suffering and who is not. Look at the death tolls of each side. There cannot be peace between the two if Israel has already decided they won't sustain a peaceful relationship with Palestine.

Use some common sense mixed in with a bit of logic, brain thinking, and largely plus importantly—empathy. 

Their goal has been to kill every Palestine. There cannot be peace if this is the case!!

Educate yourself on this matter.

The more people who know about this issue, the better. Use your platform to raise awareness with your followers!! Keep your FYP in Instagram, TikTok, Twitter up to date with posts related to what's happening in Palestine. The more content you keep watching, the longer it will keep trending.

This cannot die down or all help and support for Palestine will be lost.

To anyone who has relatives in Palestine, I'm truly sorry that you have to sit and worry about your loved ones, and not being able to help them directly. Not knowing if they're okay or not. My heart is with you.

And my heart is with the people of Palestine. It will always be, they deserve freedom and they deserve to be liberated from Israel.

Free Palestine, it does not take a Muslim to support them, it only takes to be a human.

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