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" the salary, I understand that our salary is incredibly above average, but this answer is a little empty who does not dream of having a big high salary?"

The gentleman by surname Kim who read the moon on the sign that was on the table said.

" Why couldn't I choose the salary? When your suit costs about $3000 your pants will go the same way, but your shoe at least should cost about 7000 dollars, losing to your watch that sure has a very high value, you know what brings that kind of power to a person, he said, what lets us walk around like we can live without limits? The salary that Seoul-Jong brings, the salary that an accountant earns in this company, comes with power, recognition, if that's not enough to work here what else could I want?".

Lua said in his tone of voice, she knew it would be even more convincing if Hari's voice wasn't so sweet and she could use her unique voice for sure the interview would be much better than she was doing there at that moment, if she were to wait simply for Hari maybe things would not go as planned, at that moment it was too complicated to risk that vacancy was very important to them and would decide the future of their lives from now on.

Maria was nervous about the kind of response the moon gave to her interviewer, it could end everything she got, but she couldn't move her muscles legs or arms and neither did her voice come out for an apology and simply explain that it wasn't what she meant or thought it was just a joke and that his prepositions in reality were well being in the company and devote 100% to his work and realization of plans for the growth of Seoul-Jong.

But she could not even answer, just observe that Mr. Kim would do

" You know a very interesting answer most people would be trying to convince me how much they love this company, and the point would deliver your life and trust soul for the well-being of the company, but the truth is that if you do a job well done you will be rewarded for that effort and money is certainly a consequence in fact money is what makes me come every day to this place so early, so your pretensions is to grow financially this is something I really think good, let's ask the next question".

Hari was surprised by the response of her interviewer, who would be surprised by what lua said, in fact she was imagining being sent away and saying that it was not her intention, she said, that his interview had ended there, who answers important questions like that, Is it really that he was impressed by the answers of one to your question, that, that company was certainly not like the others It would be that to enter there she would have to play differently.

[My innocent child, Hari you were always like that, right? What understood how life works in all that time it had to live, so watch to see how the big ones get to the top world this company is only accepting the best, so, if you have common answers you can go home now, so just be quiet and let me get around this interview, i guarantee you will leave here as a job you dreamed of]

Hari is impressed how the moon was very direct with her, if that crazy plan worked out for sure they would be on another level from now on in their lives, Hari wasn't sure she would pass the job interview, so she had no choice but to trust Moon.

" Why is an intern guaranteed to enter our company? I saw your resume and I must confess that it's no big deal you're just an intern among thousands trying to get into Seoul-Jong, this is the largest accounting firm in South Korea really our salary are astronomical, but it is for the best in the area, your profile is not at all impressive Miss Hari"

Kim was much looser than the moon imagined and the board manager on the table said why this situation, if the president did not come and send someone of his competence interview the candidates was because he was trained as much as the president of the company himself, then it was obvious that the game would be heavy.

The manager's intention was clearly to make respondents feel inferior to that company by showing how far they were from the company's level.

But Lua lived for years and centuries, it wouldn't be that scary.

" Get to press what a support company still uses curriculum to ascertain people's talent, i can put there that I am the best accountant in South Korea some certificates prove this easily, some complementary courses that would leave my resume stuffed, I, but the day to day is that and so I did not put so much things on this sheet of paper, I prefer that you find out if you are smart enough to hire me, it goes for far more than a quality resume ".

Mr. Kim's face of surprise was priceless, Lau was playing at the same level, but could do much more than that.

" Let's play Clara indirectly here, I just want to know if the company because of the name of the salary and the power it brings, but my intelligence is almost secular, he said, what do you have to offer me to try and convince me to accept this internship vacancy in this promissory company? The salary is great plus this will not be enough for me, should I go to Company accounting? His greatest rival is pleasant ".

Kim laughed at the boldness of that girl in front of her, how could someone who didn't even finish college have such audacity?

Kim particularly hated people that way, but unfortunately it was the profile the company hired.

" You can only be kidding, right? Do you think our company is not your level go to competitor, Do you think our company has reached the top pleasing our employees? If you do your job right, you will be much more than rewarded if you know how to do your job, Seoul-Jong is at the highest level and I see no reason to try to convince you to stay in this company if you want to go the door is right there can be withdraw".

Hari was shrouded in shock that there was his chance to have a dream job going down the door

Moon ruined everything?

" A trillion dollars in accounting in the last two years is really impressive Mr. Kim, to assume the company that the numbers basically published so little time, he said, i wonder if all these years you are hiring qualified and competent employees or if it is the president of you who is carrying this company on his back, in a little while you will have to hire a masseuse for him for having some not so competent employees of the last management you may be late in the world market, or is conquering the whole of South Korea enough for you? You do not intend to have the dominance of the dollar in your hands over the management of American companies, will you say that you do not know the Asian countries' fames in mathematical matters always win in the Olympics but in the question in the World accounting you are behind the world? It's time to say that this is a big company, i'm not going to your biggest competitor because the name is pathetic I don't like to associate with those who don't understand marketing at least you know how to do it correctly, but as you said I won't convince you to hire me you're missing the opportunity, and when you hire a secretary at least make sure she knows how to organize the right binder for an accounting firm and organization should be the beginning, right?".

Moon to table of her interviewer seeing the mess that was the papers on her probably secretary who organized there did not know how to do the least that was to properly organize the papers and binders on the table.

Kim looked closely at me to see around him really that was not even a little organized, if the president had there for sure were an outbreak declared to his secretary, he said, the interviewee really had a different look from the others and her answers were certainly on another level and recovery to everyone who was interviewed so far.

He only noticed the imposing noise of the jump walking to the door perhaps if it was the most ridiculous choice in his life how he would hire someone without knowing the least of his abilities just for the sake of it way she said it was pretty convincing.

" Hope Miss Hari".


and it's
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