The test.

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A month later.


That's what it says. 

Fucking Positive.

Sammy kept staring at the test lying on her bathroom counter showing it would disappear and this would all be some sick joke.


She knew something was up when she kept throwing up and was late on her period. She thought she was careful, but not careful enough it seems. How the hell was she going to tell him, she's was pretty sure that she didn't even have his phone number. 

The first thing she did was grab her phone to call Leslie. After the phone rung 3 times the girl on the other side of the phone finally picked up. 

"Hey, babe. Whats up?" The chirpy girl said.

"Can you come over? Like right now?" Sammy said distress slipping into her voice. 

"Yeah, I'll be over in 10." Leslie could hear that something was wrong but decided not to push over the phone. 

10 minutes later Sammey heard a knock on her door and quickly let Leslie in. Without saying a word Sammy pulled Lesie to the bathroom where the test was laying. 

When Leslie spotted the test and what it said she could only form two words. "Oh, shit."

Sammy sank to the ground, she dug her hands in her head and started softly crying. Leslie sat next to her and put her arms around the crying girl. "What am I going to do." The girls sniffled.

Leslie kept quiet because in all honesty, she had no idea what her friend should do. 

They sat on the ground for some time before Sammy whipped her tears away and stood up, helping Leslie up as well. 

"Do you know who the father is?" Leslie quietly asked. 

"Yeah, " Sammy laughed. "Hes the only guy if slept with in the past half year." 

"Harry?" Leslie asked.

Sammy nodded. "I don't even have his phone number, even if I wanted to contact him I couldn't. I don't want my baby to grow up without a father." Tears started to slowly fall down her face again. 

"Come here," Leslie beckoned her over and tightly hugged her. "You can always try Instagram." 

 "That could work except, I don't even know his last name." 

"grab your phone, I'll help you look." 

Sammy grabbed her phone and typed in 'Harry' on Instagram. Her mouth fell open in shock. "Well fuck me." 

Leslie looked over her shoulder and saw the blue little check next to his name. "Jesus. you should still try. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, as they say." 

"Yeah okay," Sammy unconvincingly said.

"Yeah okay," Sammy unconvincingly said

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