Going fast.

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Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

How can she be pregnant? We were safe weren't we? Were we? I don't know.

Seeing as both parties were fairly drunk neither of them had remembered the saying 'wrap it before you tap it'. Could have saved them both a lot of trouble.

It was only 5 and the diner was about half an hour car ride away so Harry still had time to think all of this over. The first thing he did was call Ethan, seeing as Ethan talked to Sammy the most.

Ethan picked up immediately to Harry's luck. "Hey Bog, why you calling."

"I fucked up."

Ethan laughed thinking that i could be that bad. "Oh, yeah, what you do. Get a girl pregnant?"

Harry kept quiet, Ethan was right on the money, He boy on the other end of the phone seemed to realise that too when the silence kept dragging on.

"Wait, what? Did you get a girl pregnant? Who? Do I know her?" Ethan bombarded him with questions.

"Uhm, yeah. Sammy from Ibiza." Harry shamefully said.

"Bog, Ibiza was 5 months ago. It can't be yours." Ethan said.

"Yeah, that's what I thought too until I saw they she sent the message 4 months ago. She wants to meet at some diner, and talk about it." Harry said while walking through his shared apartment. Lux and Freezy weren't home so he got the whole place to himself.

"Well, are you going?" Ethan asked knowing that his friend was scared shitless.

"I have to don't I, it's my kid. Fuck, I don't even know if I'm ready to be a father. I'm 21 for Godsake."

"I think you should go," Ethan said. "Even if it's just to find out if you even want this. Just to reassure yourself, if anything."

A loud silence fell over the call as Harry thought it over. "Yeah, okay. I'm going to get ready. Ill call you when I've spoken to her."

"Okay, bye Bog. Gook luck."

"Thanks," Harry spoke before he hung up. Running his hand through his hair, thinking the situation over. He eventually walked over to his closet to pull out a sweater and something warmer than just some shorts. He had spent some time on the phone with Ethan so it was almost time for him to go.

Walking downstairs he quickly called a cab and waited outside for it to show up. To Harry, it seemed like no time had passed when the car pulled up and waved him down. About 25 minutes later he arrived at the diner and quickly made his way inside, away from the cold.

Sammy was already sitting in the diner, praying to God that he would actually show up so that they could talk about this as adults.

When Harry walked in, he saw her sitting in the left corner of the room away from most people. HE halted a bit before he walked over but eventually decided that he should just get it over with. The closer he got the more clearly he could see her expanding belly, she looked gorgeous pregnant even he couldn't deny it.

As he sat down Sammy quickly looked up, as they made eye contact neither person could figure out what they wanted to say. Harry mutters a 'hi' not wanting the awkward silence to drag on, Sammy mutters a greeting back at the boy.

"So," Sammy started. "Look I just wanted to know if you want anything to do with this baby in the first place. I'm got gonna drag you along telling you to pay child care or something like that, but if you wanted to be in the child's life I would be okay with that."

Harry kept silent. So to keep it from becoming a total disaster Sammy kept on talking.

"I have a scan next week, I'll be able to know the gender of the baby. I would say that I wouldn't care what it was, which I don't really, I just hope it is happy and healthy, but I've always wanted a girl."

Harry finally found his voice. "I'd like a girl, boy too, I'd be able to play football with him."

"You can play football with a girl too." Sammy counted, the awkwardness slowly slipping away.

"Yeah, I guess wouldn't really feel the same though, I would like the tea parties with a girl. I'd think I'd make an excellent tea drinker." Harry laughed softly.

"Yeah, you would." Sammy giggled with him.

"Look, Sammy. This has been a massive shock for me and even more so because I now only have four months to prepare for being a father, but I want to be in this child's life. And if you'd be okay with it I'd like to come to your next doctor's appointment." Harry said seriously.

Sammy instantly felt better knowing she wouldn't have to go through this alone. "Okay. What are we going to do about the fans though, I can hardly see them supporting a baby coming from a one-night stand, and I'd rather not get cyberbullied while carrying a baby. I've been able to keep it slightly under wraps but they're bound to start asking."

"Well, would they know it's mine?" Harry questioned.

"Well, no, but I'm about to get flamed for carrying a baby, which happens to be yours," Sammy said a bit frustrated with Harry for only thinking about himself.

"Yeah, okay. Sorry." A silence fell over the two as they thought of ways to stop the public from suspecting things.

"Well... we could maybe move in together. That way I'd be closer to the baby and we could handle this together. And for keeping the fans away. We could always say that we've been dating for a year or something." Harry stuttered out still forming his plan while speaking.

"You want to fake date?" Sammy questioned slightly skeptical. "You know that never ends right, right?"

"We could do it, it's not like we'd actually be in love right? So we could just make the announcement on our socials and then never talk about it again," Harry said more confident in his plan.

"But we'd be living together?" Harry nodded. "But what if we meet someone else? What if a really nice girl comes along and you are instantly swept away, you can't just leave then."

The boy scratched his neck. "I guess that's just a sacrifice I have to make, Sammy I want to do this, I want to make this work. I want to be there for you and the baby, if I have to give up sex for that I'd gladly do it."

Sammy laughed. "I don't think I've ever heard those words come out of any boy's mouth ever."

"Well, then I guess today is your lucky day." He grinned.

"Well then, boyfriend. We should start looking for a house." Sammy was scared if she was being honest, but at the same time, this whole thing excited her as well. And that is what scared her most. 


I'm gonna be honest I had no idea to make them move in together in a slow sophisticated way so this'll have to do. 

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