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Harry and Sammy chatted for a bit more about how their life had been for the time that they hadn't seen each other. 

When Harry finally arrived home again, Freezy was at the apartment as well. 

Shit, that's what he forgot. He had to tell Freezy that he got a girl pregnant and that he was moving out.

"Freezy!" Harry called out.

"Kitchen!" He heard back. 

Harry slowly walked into the kitchen trying to think of a way to tell Freezy, it seemed that there was no correct way of telling someone so he just came right out and said it. "I'm moving out." 

Freezy stopped what he was doing and looked up. "Sorry, what Come again." 

"I got a girl pregnant and I'm moving out." Harry breathed out.

Freezy was quiet for a second before he let out a loud screech. The tall man stood up and started walking around muttering nonsense. "Harry what the fuck. Who'd you get pregnant? Are you sure it's yours? What the fuck Harry. " 

Harry coughed slightly trying to build some courage. "Sammy. I'm sure and I know."

"Sammy? That girl you told me about from Ibiza? That was five  months ago, how in the hell did you get her pregnant." 

"She sent me a DM when she found out but I only saw it like 2 days ago." 

"Jesus Christ man you are fucked, what are you going to do?"

"Well, I'm moving to a house with her. And we might have to pretend to be dating." He muttered out the last part, but Freezy still heard him. 

"And why would you do that?" Freezy questioned him again. 

"Because she had a pretty big following on Insta and she's scared people will attack her for getting pregnant without a father in the picture. It would also be weird for me if I were to be walking around with a child of mine that no one seems to know of." Harry spit out getting a bit tired of the questioning.  

After that, there was silence in the house.  

"Okay..." Freezy began. Coming to terms with the situation. "When will you be moving out then."

"I don't know yet. We haven't even started looking at houses." The soon-to-be father replied. 

"Well, if she wanted she could move in here until you've found a place for yourself. ease her into your life and make it less suspicious for her to immediately come out and say whatever." Freezy tried to help.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. But only if you're one totally on board with it." Harry didn't want to invade Freezy's space but The tall boy quickly told Harry that it was no problem and that he just wanted to help the two parents. 

Harry thanked Freezy and walked to his room. During their conversation at the diner Sammy and Harry exchanged numbers seeing as neither wanted to keep talking about their child over Instagram DM's. 

Calling now Baby mama...

After a few rings Sammy picked up. "What's up."

"I told Freezy that I'm moving out and told him I got you pregnant," Harry said. 

"Okay, and what was his reaction?" Sammy questioned already knowing that Harry lived with another YouTuber already guessing that Harry might have told him.

"He was actually really helpful, he told me that, if you wanted, you could come live with us while we look for a place together, maybe ease you into YouTube without making it too obvious." 

Sammy thought it over for a bit, she was gonna move away from her place eventually and might as well start it now. "Yeah, okay. Thats smart. When can I move in?" 

"When are you free to move your stuff?"

"Any day this week, when it fits you really." Because Sammy got all her money from sponsorships she didn't really have days when she was really busy.

"Tomorrow? Freezy and I are both free then if that's okay." Harry asked slightly nervous. 

Both parties thought they were going fast, but they also knew that they didn't have enough time to start doubting this and backing out. 

"Yeah sure." 

Tomorrow rolled around faster than both people hoped, but today was the day, Sammy had called her landlord and informed them of her moving

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Tomorrow rolled around faster than both people hoped, but today was the day, Sammy had called her landlord and informed them of her moving. And before she knew it harry and Freezy were knocking at her door. 

As she opened the door she heard a quiet gasp coming from one of the men. "Jesus you are big." 

"Thanks, way to make a girl feel special." Sammy sarcastically said. 

"Nah, you got Harry for that." freezy smirked. 

Sammy ignored the comment letting the two boys in hearing a soft 'sorry' from harry, she whispered back. "Is he always like that?" Harry just nodded.

There we already a few boxes scattered around the house, there was still some stuff that she had to pack up but that was 20-minute work. 

freezy turned to her before he started introducing himself. "I'm Callum, but everyone calls me Freezy."

"Sammy, the pregnant one." 

"I can see that." He laughed.

"Well let's start shall we." 

The three went to work loading all the boxes in the car, Harry not letting Sammy lift any say she might break her back, or something Sammy stopped listening the second he said that she should rest. Sitting back down on the couch and boxing up the last items. they were done pretty quickly, Sammy didn't have a lot of things she wanted to take with her. 

She dropped off her key and got in the passenger seat of the car, Harry behind the wheel and Freezy in the back being squashed by the boxes. It was a silent drive to the boy's apartment. Soft music playing in the background.

When they arrived Harry told her which apartment they stayed in and gave her his keys, the boys taking the boxes upstairs while Sammy looked around the house. There was one spare room that was turned into a semi-gaming room but there was a bed and that was enough for Sammy. 

Sammy sat on the bed and eventually laid down feeling tired and not even 2 minutes later her eyes closed and she was asleep.

Sammy sat on the bed and eventually laid down feeling tired and not even 2 minutes later her eyes closed and she was asleep

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Chapter of Baby bomb!! Im going way faster than i thought i would but I'm already proud of how far i have made it. 

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