The club.

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Harry Lewis was looking forward to going to the club and getting absolutely smashed tonight. It was their last day in Ibiza and the boys wanted to make the most out of it. harry put on some going out clothes and started the walk with than seeing as they both wanted to go out a bit earlier than the rest. The club was a walking distance so they got there pretty quickly.

Harry wasn't really focused on what they were playing inside the club and rather on thinking about what he was going to drink. He signalled to Ethan that he was going to get them some shots, while Ethan was going to find them a place to sit.

Arriving at the bar he waited until the bartender was finished with the pretty girl ordering some drinks and waved him over. The girl was standing on the other side of the bar so Harry had a pretty good view of her. She was absolutely stunning, she had her hair straight but Harry could see that that was not her natural hair, she had curls. Something that Harry found very pretty.

He got pulled out of his trance by the bartender who finally came over to him. The boy ordered some sambuca shots. While the bartender was busy making the drinks that the girl ordered and getting the shot that Harry ordered, Harry went back to staring at the girl. He could not pull his eyes away.

What he wasn't expecting however was that she would stare right back at him, he flushed and tried to make it look like he wasn't staring. But the girl knew better, and when harry looked back again to see if she was gone she gave him a smile.

The bartender gave him his shots and the girl her drinks. Harry was expecting the girl to walk away to give the second drink in her hand to one of her friends, or whoever she came here with but she stayed there looking at him. Harry knew that if he didn't talk to her in that moment that he would never see her again. So he took his shot and the one meant for Ethan and walked over to her.

"Hi, stranger," The girl said. Smiling at him.

"Hey," He stuttered, "I saw you looking at me, I thought why not come over and say hi."

" Did you now? Because I'm pretty sure that I saw you staring at me first." She laughed slightly.

"Maybe I was, would that be so bad?" Harry replied gaining a bit of confidence from the shots that he took.

"No, no I don't think so." She replied, the smile still evident on her face.

"Can I maybe buy you a drink?" He questioned.

She just lifted her half empty drink said. "Maybe later, but I don't even know your name so I think its best we start with that don't you think?"

"Yeah, yes that would be smart. I'm Harry."

"Sammy." She replied. taking two more sips she finished the drink and gave it back the bartender.

"Sammy." He tested the name on his tongue. He liked her name, it fit her. "Who is the other drink for, or are both of those for you, I mean I don't shame."

She laughed, he was funny. "It's for my friend, but it seems I have lost her. Wanna help me find her?"

"Yeah, sure I need to find my friend as well and apologise for taking his shot." Harry laughed slightly.

She got up from her seat and grabbed his hand to not lose him in the crowed before she started walking around.

Harry was immediately trying to stop his hands from sweating because nobody likes a sweaty hand.

Sammy wasn't very short, but she wasn't very tall either so it was kind of difficult to spot her friend, Harry was about 5 inches taller so he could see a bit more. Sammy had led him over to the tables, Leslie had always been someone who couldn't dance for a very long time so she would probably be there.

she was a bit shocked when she saw her best friend at a table with about 6 guys. She was talking a lot and waving her hands around like a crazy person, Leslie would do that a lot when trying to get a point across, Sammy loved that about her.

She looked back at her to see that Harry had a smile on her face when he saw the guys. When they eventually got closer Leslie finally spotted her and got up to give her a hug.

Sammy laughed, "And who are these guys, Leslie?"

"I have no idea but they're really nice, come on let me introduce you," Leslie said. Sammy passed the drink over to her friend and followed her.

In the meantime, Harry had already walked over and hugged some of the guys.

"And who might that be Bog?" Ethan questioned Harry while laughing. Harry immediately became red. "That's Sammy, Whose the girl you just sat with?" Harry fired back.

Ethan just smiled. "That, my friend is Leslie. She is fucking gold." He laughed.

Sammy and Leslie walked back to the group again.

"Guys, this is my best friend Sammy, but it seems she already met some of you." She says pointedly looking at Harry.

Sammy got a few 'hi's' and 'hey's' thrown her way before the girls sat down.

"I'm Ethan by the way." He says holding his hand out for Sammy to shake.

"Well Ethan, it's nice to meet you. I do have to say your friend here already took your shot." She smiled.

Ethan shrugged. "Simon and Vik are already getting a few shots for the table so its fine."

Harry turned to Sammy. " So what are you doing here, just a vacation or..."

"It's my birthday, Leslie thought we should make this year big." Sammy answered looking over at Leslie with a fond smile.

"Really? How old are you now."

"It's improper to ask a lady her age," Sammy said with a serious face before she broke down in laughter when seeing Harry's scared face. "I am 20 years and one day old. Or young depends on how you see it."

Harry relaxed after seeing that she wasn't being serious. "I'm also 20 but I've been twenty for a while now."

"Like Edward Cullen." Sammy laughed thinking that he would get the reference.


"You know, Edward Cullen, from Twilight?"

"Never seen it." Harry shrugged. Sammy's mouth fell open in shock.

"What do you mean you've never seen it, everyone has watched at least one Twilight movie in their lifetime," She told him.

"Not the people who died before the movie came out," Harry replied smartly.

Sammy let out a laugh. "Yeah, but everyone who was alive when they came out has. apart from you, weirdo."

Harry was about to answer when Simon and Vik came back with trays of shots in their hands. "Did anyone say Sambuca," Simon yelled. everyone at the table let out a cheer for the alcohol.

They had enough for everyone and the two girls, but Sammy still thought she should wait for anyone to offer her one, not wanting to seem greedy by grabbing without knowing if they even brought one for her. Luckily Harry grabbed two, one for her and one for him. They took their shots together the whole night through. Looking into each other's eyes when cheers.

The night went on and on until the early hours of the morning, Sammy and Harry throwing in flirty comments every now and then. They eventually went to the sidemen house together. Leslie wanting to get a good night's sleep for the flight of tomorrow. Promising to call Sammy so she wouldn't miss their flight.

When Harry and Sammy walked back to the house they walked back alone hand in hand.


Second chapter done guys, lot of text in this one.

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