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According to Delta, I'm about three hours from Terrafirme.

I tap my fingers on the steering wheel, as if manifesting my anxiety will help me get there quicker.

With next to no hope in my heart, I try Juliette again. It's almost become a token gesture. With every ring, my heart sinks a little deeper. I know, I know that I shouldn't have invested this much of myself in a relationship this early on. At 27, the chances of twinning successfully are 62%. Not terrible odds but hardly bankable, either. But who approaches love sensibly? Show me the person that glides effortlessly, safely, unconcernedly into love and I'll show you... well, I don't know what I'd show you. Because the two are a dichotomy. I have never been able to come close to regulating my emotions when it comes to women and I know I can be little too keen when I first meet someone. But whilst I'm no Elliot Sayge, I'm not without charm. I'm a good friend, I'm kind to animals, I think I can be quite funny, I'm a little over six foot and I have decent hair. I mull this over. It's not the greatest list.

I wonder, not for the first time, what it is that Juliette sees in me.

The truth is, I actually have no idea. Zero.

Three days after we met in the café - about two days after I'd given up hope that she'd call - I got a Haylo from an Unknown. I was driving at the time and rolled my eyes at Delta's hopeless spam filter. Then another Haylo, this time with an image. That face. Her face. I damn near crashed the car, in my haste to read what she'd said. Sure, I could've heard it on my dash but I wanted to read it myself. I didn't want Juliette to sound like Delta. I wanted to hear her voice in my mind.

I pulled into my driveway a few minutes later. The car powered down and told me it was safe to get out. I sat there for a few seconds, almost not daring to look at my phone. Delta broke me from my hesitation asking me if I was feeling ok because my heart rate had risen sharply without any physical activity.

I ignored Delta and picked up my phone.

> Do you like ramen?

Well, I hadn't seen that coming.

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