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'Are you actually not having the extra spice?'

Juliette looks at me as though I'm insane.

I think quickly. It feels as though my manliness is at stake here, though even as I think this, I realise how ridiculous it is.

I shake my head. 'I prefer it without.'

'You're insane,' she observes, pointing at the extra hot Shoyu. She smiles at the boy wearing a Naruto t-shirt.

'Green tea?' he asks.

Juliette nods. 'Oh!' She catches the boy's attention. 'I've been meaning to ask you. Which is better, the first or second volume?'. She nods towards his shirt.

The boy looks to one side. 'It's almost impossible but... I can relate to Naruto's whole life.' He grins, 'Though, obviously, I've never been a ninja.'

Juliette laughs and I just about die from how heavenly a sound it is.

'But I suppose what I really miss, what I really love reading about is how things were when he was growing up, you know? His life was a nightmare but it seems like some of his happiest times where when he was eating ramen with Teuchi and Ayame.' The boy lowers his eyes a fraction. 'I miss that. Eating ramen with the folks I grew up with.'

Juliette continues to look at him. I can see she's feeling what he's feeling.

'Still,' he smiles, 'I get to be here in Lincoln. Some of the best ramen there is. So.'

The boy turns to go.

'Volume 2,' he says. 'Because, you know, Iruka.'

'I know.' Juliette is quiet and offers the boy a small smile. I make a note to ask her about what happens with Iruka later. 

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