22. Creeping Anxiety

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Anxiety is creeping in
I am just a bundle of nerves with skin

Feels like I am dying
But I know am not
Time isn't frozen but flying
As I lay limp on the cot

Adrenaline surging throughout me
As if I am drowning in a sea
Trembling like the wings of a bee
As if it were zero-degree
When in reality,I am sitting in the shade of a tree

Anxiety is slowly creeping in
Whispers at 3 AM 'Let the games begin'

Gives me a surge of strength
That I didn't want midnight
Suddenly recall the focal length
A week after the exam on light

My mind out of the blue works in light years
Goes to the memories that only bring tears
Sudden cues are triggering my mind's gears
Impossible horrible things added to the list of fears
Any common sense that's left disappears

Anxiety is creeping in
Tags along depression, its lonely twin

One says 'They are making fun of you'
The other says, 'For that, they need to care'
Meanwhile, I scream neither is true
Engulfs my screams, wrecked despair

Both their claims make me deaf like dead
I lay motionless, listening, on my bed
In the end, I am the one who was misled
Thinking there is only dread
I have on my way ahead

Anxiety is creeping in
My self-confidence is tossed in a bin

All that remains in self-doubt
That kills my unfinished dream
Defeated, I go down another route
Still, my anxiety doesn't forget to scream

My heart beats fast and my chest heaves up and down
My hormones love to mess around
Feels as if, I am stuck in a countdown
That will turn zero any second, laughing will be the town
As usual, I will somehow end up being the clown

So judgemental and hypocritic is our society
The root cause of my lurking and creeping anxiety


Hey there, depressed souls! HAPPY DIWALI to all Indian readers. Hope you liked my joly poem on this positive festival. Hehe...Just kidding. 

But seriously, I hope you enjoyed this poem and if you did, don't forget to vote, Comment, and Share this poem bla bla bla. You guys know what's up.

See you Soon!

Midnight Poetry (2): Dark Poems With Concealed MotivationWhere stories live. Discover now