27. Sadness And Madness

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What did everything lead to?
My gift for what I went through

No joy
No glee
Saw you destroy
You and me

No despair
No trace
Of a single dried tear
As I fell from grace

This sinking feeling
In my stomach and heart
Seems impossible healing
The extent to which I am torn apart

The only thing left in me
That earlier used to be glee

No soul
No one
Could fill the hole
Make me see the sun

No hope
No thoughts
I can't cope
Fail to join the dots

I am feeling so hollow
As if my joy was stolen
My tears I always swallow
After crying, accustomed eyes aren't swollen

The only constant here
Don't even want it to disappear

No cure
No help
Breaking makes you mature
By teaching you to stifle the yelp

No way out
No escape
Crumbling with doubt
Thoughts make no sense or shape

I am drowning so slow
And losing my mind bit by bit
Seems despair is all I know
The atrocity of being happy I can't commit

Will I ever overcome?
Responsible for what I have become...


Hey there, depressed souls! Guess who is back with another Sunday update? Not gonna lie, my exams are still going on. Yup, continuously for a month! I no longer know the terms mental stability and happiness, freedom, and relief. They all seem alien concepts to me at the moment. But, tomorrow is my last exam. So, I am daring to keep my hopes high that my school doesn't hand me another datasheet of yet another test series tomorrow. To be honest, I am not even scared anymore, just incredibly frustrated with my studies.

Anyway, hope you guys are having a better month than me. I am honestly so mentally drained. Only I know the trouble I went through to bring this poem to you all. I seriously deserve a vote, comment, and follow, along with a year's break at least.

Excuse me today, I have gone crazy with studies as I have said earlier. I am rather unhinged right now which you can probably tell from all my pointless blabbering. Before I eat your ears off,

Vote, Comment, and Share because I need some appreciation to go on at this point.

See you Soon!

Midnight Poetry (2): Dark Poems With Concealed MotivationWhere stories live. Discover now