Sitorious' Crystal

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                              February 10
                         The Land of Wind
                       (Avolire castle)

"Edward of House Lennon, you are guilty of committing treason." A man spoke above Edward, who was restrained and on his knees before the council. "You have betrayed your country and the council has decided that you will be dealt with accord—" The man stopped as the doors to the throne hall opened, revealing their king.

Each member of the council was present, along with a few knight nearby, Joseph Sitorious, Lord of House Sitorious. Gerald Everett, Lord of House Everett. Orla Robertson, Lady of House Robertson and Albert Middleton, Lord of House Middleton.

Sebastian steadily approached the council and Edward's head finally lifted, surprised to see his king as he stopped to stand above him.

"Edward of House Lennon, you are guilty of committing treason against your country." The guardian stated. "Though, in light of recent information I have decided to pardon you and instead subject you to exile." He announced. The council murmured their opinions beside him but this was no longer about their collective decision, their king had spoken

Without hurry, Sebastian leaned down and whispered words of empathy to the now former knight, revealing that he understood Edward's actions and that if their roles had been reversed, if his son had been taken that he would do whatever it took to get him back, even if it meant betraying his country. When he finally finished and moved away, the former knight's eyes were gleaming with unshed tears.

"I am not worthy of your mercy, your Majesty. I—" Edward began but Sebastian stopped him.

"You will be given time to say goodbye to your loved ones and then be escorted to the Land of Wind's border." Sebastian said and without another word left the throne hall. He walked through the vacant halls of the castle, glancing out the nearby windows that oversaw the inner ward. He could tell that soon the sun would peek over the horizon, he would have to hurry if he wanted to be home before his son woke but the escalating sound of a cane, striking the smooth tiled floor, slowed his strides. He sighed as he stopped, he already knew who it was, if not for the sense of familiarity he felt whenever the man was near then the familiar sound of the cane he used for walking. He waited until the man was almost behind him and then turned around to face him.

"You are quite merciful, my king." Joseph, the Lord of House Sitorious, said stopping in front of Sebastian his sapphire eyes watched him closely.
"That man was condemned to die for the crime he committed. He knew that and was ready to accept, yet you spared him."

"Edward Lennon was a fine knight, I may not agree with the choices he made but... I don't think he deserves to die." Sebastian spoke and Joseph nodded silently.

"How is our young prince? I was told he was harmed because of this... fine knight." Joseph said looking towards the window.

"He is well." Sebastian answered, thinking back to his son. "He shattered a window."

"Physically?" Joseph questioned, though Sebastian shook his head. "He'll learn."

"What you said before... about him. I don't believe you, I won't but..." Sebastian muttered and a bitterness crept onto his face. "Sometimes there's moments when I can't help but think that it might be true. He knew of him before he was here— before I was even here. Maybe it is only a coincidence... but if... if it isn't, if what Cyrus foresaw does come to pass, what will you do not only as a member of his council but as his grandfather?" Sebastian questioned his father but dreaded the answer he knew he'd receive.

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