The Spar

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June 5
The Land of Wind
(The Sitorian Estate)

Joseph continued to oversee Nolen's training. The boy began to grow more and more skilled with his hands and quickly mastered his waster. He had three more days until he left for The Land of Wind and he felt more than ready to spar with Lucas again and beat him this time.

Setting a Rogue Deviant loose in the woods alone with him was risky, he could have died, and if anyone knew about it they'd think the same thing, they'd probably even have Joseph convicted of attempted murder against their king if anyone knew what he did just a few nights ago.

But, maybe it was what the boy needed. He was terrified at first, terrified of having his hands stained red even if it was the blood of a Rogue he was terrified that he'd get used to the feeling... he didn't want that so he tried not to dwell on it to much. He killed a Rogue, if he hadn't it would have killed him. He told himself that repeatedly, it's the only way he could justify what he did.

He felt stronger, more capable and confident in his abilities. Though he had hoped he never ever encountered a Rogue again.

"Are you ready?" Joseph asked looking down at the boy who nodded his head.

"I am." Nolen responded as Lucas, his father Leon and his sister Laura entered the training room. Once everyone was in their positions, Joseph spoke.


Without hesitation Lucas lunged towards Nolen with mana infused in his fists, he intended to end this quickly. With haste Nolen avoided his fist and raised his own, fueling one with mana and sending it towards Lucas' abdomen. Lucas gasped as the air was knocked out of him. Quickly Nolen swept his legs from under him. Without hesitation he climbed onto the boy and began punching him repeatedly in the face. The boy beneath him clawed at him and before he realized it... he was back In the woods. Flashes from a few nights ago appeared in his mind and suddenly it was as if he was back in the woods stabbing the Rogue Deviant over and over again.

"Enough!" He finally heard his grandfather yell. He paused. Blood dripping from his bruised fists. His blurry vision focused and he realized what he had down.

"What's wrong with you!" Leon shouted at the boy as he rushed towards them. "Get off of him."

Nolen moved shakily at the command but stood to his feet. He turned to look at his grandfather who wore an emotionless expression. Lucas was soon rushed out of the training room by his father and sister. Joseph slowly approached the boy.

"Grandfather..." He called. He had heard stories of the night he was born, many were hurt, many died. He had known that he was taken as a baby, that his father had saved him then as well. What he didn't know was why it happened to begin with but always assumed, after hearing the story, that... he was the problem. "Is there something wrong with me?"

Joseph was quiet as the Nolen looked to him for an answer but one never came. His grandfather placed a hand on his back as he began to walk, taking the boy with him. They arrived at the courtyard and Joseph finally spoke as they walked.

"Do you know the story of the Forest of Eden?" He asked and Nolen nodded his head. "Then you know that Sirius made the First Ones and he loved them with all of his heart. I believe that he loves everything he creates and in a way he also created you and he wouldn't have something be wrong with you. You are a Guardian, a descendant of the First Ones and Sirius himself you must not forget that."

"What if Sirius made a mistake?" He asked looking up at his grandfather. "What if... there is something wrong with me... what if I was never supposed to be born?" He questioned but Joseph was quiet, unable to give him an answer that would satisfy him.

"If he did make a mistake, then you would have died that night..."


                                   June 7
                       The Land of Wind
                    (The Sitorian Manor)

The sun had set, it was the night before he left for the Land of Earth. He slowly packed his things, everything he'd need while away. He tried his best to forget about the events that happened a few days ago, though he hadn't forgotten, he remembered every small little detail and wished he didn't.

A knock caught his attention but it wasn't coming from his door. He turned around and noticed a person outside his window. He cautiously approached the window until he sensed a familiar mana signature.

"Julian?" He questioned as he open the window. Julian hopped into his room and stared at him with a straight face.

"You never told me you were leaving." He said.

"Only for a few days, I'll be back before my coronation." Nolen replied. Julian walked around the room before stopping in front of him.

"I... I heard what happened with your cousin and I just wanted to let you know, before you left, that I'll be your knight on one condition."

"What is it?" The boy asked excitedly.

"You promise that you'll consider my advice." He responded.

"Deal!" Nolen exclaimed, holding out his hand for Julian to shake. Hesitantly he reached out his hand to take his. He scoffed inwardly, he hadn't known if Nolen would keep his promise or not but if he did it just made him that much easier to control...

Julian got down on one knee before the young Guardian and pleaded his undying loyalty to him...


                     June 7
                  (a few hours earlier)
The Land of Wind

"Julian, you don't have to do this if you don't want to." His aunt told him from the doorway. "I understand that you want to please our uncle but it doesn't have to be you."

"It's better if it's me than someone else." Julian replied from where he stood in front of the long body mirror. "Besides... uncle said I'm a perfect match for him."

"I just... I hate all of this. It gives me a bad feeling. I don't believe that manipulation solves everything." She said as she entered the room, her violet eyes filled with anxiety. "If anyone ever finds out then..."

"It'll be fine. All I have to do is keep an eye on him and report back to uncle."

She sighed.

"Just promise you'll be careful." She said, understanding that the boy had already made up his mind. He finally turned to her as he spoke.

"I promise."


End of Chapter 2

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