The Hollows

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June 21
                        The Land of Earth

"Come on, Valor!" It had been a few days since that confrontation in the woods. And the boy hasn't felt better, though their conversation wasn't the most pleasant Nickolas actually talked to him afterwards and the day after that and the day after that. They were now... friendly acquaintances to say the least.

Nolen ran through the woods with valor not to far behind him. He was on his way to meet Nickolas at the tree house but was running late, when his grandmother offered him a plate of cinnamon rolls he couldn't say no and he couldn't leave until every single one had been eaten.

He was having so much fun in the Land of Earth that he hadn't even noticed his coronation date was quickly approaching, he hadn't forgotten of course it just... slipped his mind among many other things but the only thing that mattered to him at that moment was getting to Nickolas and hope that that day would be the day the two of them became friends.

He ran and ran until suddenly he couldn't. He was pushed against the ground by an unfamiliar person who he couldn't even get a look at. Valor growled loudly until the mysterious person uttered a single word.


Without any protest the baby direwolf followed the command and even went as far as the lie down with a low cry. Nolen gasped, the pup wouldn't even take orders from him yet he took orders from a stranger. This stranger had to be pretty skilled, he, or valor, hadn't sensed that they were near until they revealed themselves either that or the boy just wasn't as good at sensing others as he thought. Nolen huffed angrily, ready to throw this person off of him when they spoke again.

"Nolen Sitorious." They addressed and he paused. They didn't only sneak up on him but they knew his name, knew who he was and probably knew where he'd be which he found odd because no one knew he'd be in the woods except for his grandmother, no one even knew he would be in Moondale except for a select few. But this person they knew but how?

Swiftly, the pressure they applied was lifted and the necklace around his neck was removed. Nolen turned to see who had him pinned him to the ground. A few quick breaths and his eyes finally landed on the... girl?

He squinted up at her, the anger he once held, from being pinned to the ground, was gone and replaced with curiosity. The first thing he thought was how strange the girl looked, he had never seen anyone quite like her. The first thing that caught his attention was her mid length hair that was white but the ends were dark brown. Her eyes bright golden and her expression cold ice.

"Shouldn't be in the woods alone..." she uttered quietly dangling the necklace in front of him. "It's dangerous you know?"

"I am fully capable of protecting myself, thank you." Nolen replied as he stood to his feet, dusting himself off. The girl tilted her head at him as he held out his hand expectantly.

"I was able to sneak up on you." She said and the boy opened his mouth to argue but she spoke again before he could get a word in. "Easily."

He sighed, turning to look at Valor, who still laid on the ground obediently then back at the girl who crossed her arms over her chest.

"Just thought you'd be..." she paused, thinking of the correct word to use. "More... of a challenge? I mean you are a Guardian." She said, taking a step forward to which the boy took a step back.

"I am a guardian." He stated. "And I didn't attack you because I didn't sense any danger coming from you. Now give that back." He said and the girl moved closer to him, inches apart only this time he stood his ground.

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