The Land Of Earth

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                             June 12
                      The Land of Earth

It was early in the morning, the carriage moved quickly over the smooth concrete path and Lakewell Fortress grew closer by the second. The boy sat practically jumping up and down in his seat, he was excited the explore his mother's homeland and finally meet another Guardian.

The carriage soon came to a stop. Gilbert exited first and Nolen followed. It wasn't a lie that the Land of Earth was the hottest country, the boy had been sweating the moment he stepped out the carriage. He wore layers underneath a sweater he definitely didn't need and a pair of black shorts.

They were greeted with Strelitzia Knights and the lead Advisor, Kennedy Erickson. Kennedy was a tall man in his late twenties. His black locks were messy and his bronze eyes focused as he made his way to the boy and his Advisor.

"Good morning and welcome, your Majesty." Kennedy greeted, bowing at the waist, he then turned to greet Gilbert as well.

Nolen timidly waved his hand at the Strelitzia Advisor before he was knocked to the ground by what felt like an angry bull. He hesitantly blinked open his eyes to see a girl he had never seen before but already felt a deep connection with. Her brunette hair looked to be a birds nest and her golden eyes stared down at him, full of excitement.

"Your Majesty! That is not how we greet our guests." Kennedy chastised as he went to lift the girl off of the boy but she wouldn't let go as she ignored his pulling and commands.

"I can't believe you're here!" She squealed loudly as she climbed to her feet and jumped up and down. "Get up! Get up! Get up!" She said to the boy, who was still processing being knocked off his feet by a girl that was no bigger than himself.

He slowly stood to his feet and felt Gilbert's large hand on his shoulder.

"Nolen, this is her Majesty, Mayleigh Lycan." Gilbert introduced.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Pup." She stated with her hand outstretched.

"Pup?" He questioned as he stared back at the girl. She was a Guardian? She certainly didn't look like one. But he had felt the connection with her as soon as he saw her and still did. There was no doubt, she was a Guardian. The Guardian of the Land of Earth.

Nolen accepted her hand, shaking it and before he knew it, the girl began to drag him off towards the castle. He looked back to Gilbert in Kennedy with pleading eyes but they only smiled at the children and waved goodbye.


Mayleigh took Nolen to the garden of Lakewell Fortress, a large field covered with many trees and surrounded by a long lake.

"Have you met the others yet?" Mayleigh questioned as she climbed a nearby tree. Nolen shook his head. "Have you had your coronation yet?" She asked but Nolen shook his head again with furrowed brows this time, he had lost sight of the girl. He walked through the garden and right when he least expected it she appeared in front of him. "Well then, I may be able to help you with that since I've already had mine." She said with her chin held high and hands on her hips.

"Help me?" He inquired.

"Yes, help you. A lot happens you know. And you must remember everything. Every detail!" She said with a finger in the air. Her words worried the boy but he tried his best to seem unbothered.

"I'm sure I can do it."

"And I know you can... with my help of course." She smiled. "Come on, Pup, Walking is boring, let's climb." She said nodding her head as the boy shook his.

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