The Land Of Fire

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Year 378 (3 years later)
September 6
The Land Of Fire

It had been 3 years since his coronation... the boy has been steadily growing into his role as king and in a few more years he'll be the one making decisions for the realm not just imputing his opinion when he doesn't like something the council has chosen. He was now 9 years old yet he hadn't changed much besides from growing a few inches taller.

It had been a warm night in Zillah, the capital of the Land Of Fire, as the carriage doors opened revealing the king of the wind country. His white hair had been ever so messy as if he just rolled out of bed and his eyes shined like yellow sapphires under the rays of the full moon. He climbed from the carriage with his knight following close behind him.

"We're finally here!" He said stretching his aching limbs. He had been coped up in the carriage for the past 6 days, he was so happy to be out.

Soon Gilbert joined them as a woman with navy blue hair approached them outside the manor.

"Welcome to the Alistor Manor." She stated as she turned to face Nolen. "Your Majesty." She said bowing at the waist.

"Quincy." Gilbert greeted before the two exchanged a nod.

"Follow me." She spoke before leading the three into the manor. The manor had been made of old brick but was renovated every few years. The foyer had been as grand as the entrance as they stepped into the manor.

Nolen looked around carefully, analyzing every detail but what he had really been looking for was the second Guardian that shouldn't have been very far.

Trailing behind the group he soon came to a stop as he sensed a familiar presence. Without a second thought he began walking towards it, embracing the feeling it filled him with. He felt warm and tingly all over, and noticed that he's felt this way once before...

Before he knew it he had entered a room and faced the back of a boy that spoke in Lumerian. Chanting words the hybrid boy easily understood as if the language was engraved in his being. He had been looking for something, if it wasn't for the repeated word of "invirma" (find) then it was the multiple maps that laid scattered around the room.

Nolen walked closer, feeling drawn and within a second the multiple maps lit up into flames. The boy cursed before turning suddenly to face the one who interrupted him. His scarlet eyes held frustration as he looked at the white haired boy.

"Who are you?" He questioned bluntly but it was as if the Nolen didn't hear him as he continued to approach him and before he could take action the boy gripped his arm. His breath hitched and his scarlet eyes glowed brightly matching his golden ones.

Suddenly, they were in a clock tower high up. Maps cluttered the messy room as he began to chant once again. Someone approached him from behind, he sensed them and quickly turned around.

"Who are you?" He questioned with hostility.

"I was wondering if you'd recognized me... funny I find you all the way up here alone... when we were younger we used to climb the tree, never wanted him to hear what we were whispering about... don't tell me you've forgotten me... Alistor.


Within the blink of an eye the voices, the visions disappeared and when he opened them again he came faced to face with an unfamiliar girl that had him pinned to the ground with a dagger pressed against his neck.

He blinked his eyes a few times, staring up at the girl confused as her mouth moved but he hadn't heard a word that came out.

Quickly the girl was pulled away from him. The boy from before held the girl back and he also said words that he couldn't quite comprehend. As Nolen slowly stood to his feet, the boy approached him now with a sense of familiarity and calmness etched into his features.

"Sitorious?" He questioned as he stoped in front of him. "You must be the wind's Guardian..." he said with narrowed eyes as he examined the other Guardian slowly. "Ha... you really are weird looking."

"What?" Nolen sputtered, looking at the other boy in disbelief and his smile only grew.

"I've heard... stories of your appearance. You're unlike any other Sitorian Guardian. They usually all look the same but you are different... your Lycan genes must be strong." He explained before turning away. "I'm sure you already know who I am, I mean... you are in my home..."

"Daemon Alistor." Nolen said and the boy nodded before gesturing to the girl he now stood beside.

"This is my knight, Bella Jennings. Please forgive her she doesn't take kindly to strangers—" He began but was interrupted when the girl swiftly elbowed the boy in the stomach. He doubled over momentarily as Bella approached Nolen.

"Really sorry about earlier, forgive me?"
She asked and Nolen smiled before nodding.

"Well I see you've already met each other..." Quincy said as she appeared in the door way.
"The others are waiting in the dining room, join us."


The six of them sat at the dining room table and talked about the future of both their realms or rather the advisors talked while the Guardians and their knight sat and listened. Daemon excused himself giving the other Guardian a pointed look. He tilted his head as confusion took over his expression.

Nolen excused himself and then made his way to daemon, who hadn't gone too far. He stood over a nearby balcony over looking a small town a few miles away. Even a distance away he could see the many lights that lit up the small town and hear the lively chatter of the crowds.

"Wanna get out of here?" Daemon questioned with a bored expression on his face.

"And go where?" Nolen asked and he shrugged his shoulders.

"You're the guest of honor... you choose." Daemon suggested with a raised brow and without hesitation Nolen pointed to the lively town a few miles away.

"Let's go there!" Nolen said with a smile and the other Guardian grabbed his hand before quickly pulling him away, sneaking past the dining room and to the front door.

They made it to the front door but were just about to walk out when they were stopped.

"Where are you two going?" Their knights said simultaneously as they stopped them at the door.

"We're getting out of here." Daemon scoffed and before the knights could stop them the two Guardians were running out the door.

"Why are we running?" Nolen exclaimed and the other boy laughed.

"Because they're trying to ruin our fun!" Daemon replied before looking towards the boy and releasing his hand. "Do you know how to shift?"
He asked and the boy nodded and within the blank of an eyes a medium sized wolf took the place of the boy next to him.

Quickly, he took a few deep breaths as he let his mana flow freely throughout his entire body and within seconds he changed form and ran on all fours alongside the other Guardian.


The GuardiansМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя