Chapter 2

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Lynexia was given everything she asked for and she was quite happy. She don't know why she's happy bring locked up but she has all the books she need.

She was a University student who study right around the clock before being dragged here so maybe that's why she was OK with just sitting around. Lord knows attending University and working part time isn't easy. She was happy for the long break.

It's weird though that she can understand the strange language on the pages. They were just symbols.

Maybe more reading can help her understand.

Kellam call forth the maid for updates. He want to know how she was taking being locked up. He know many women would go crazy.

"How is she?"

"She's quite happy Your Majesty."

Kellam look at the maid with surprise. He was surprise but he can't show emotions.


"Yes Your Majesty. My Lady seems quite comfortable in her isolated abode."

"What did you give her?"

"Books and whatever she asked for. As you instructed."

"Keep me updated."

"Yes Your Majesty."

Kellam was in deep thought. The woman was becoming more of a mystery as the days pass by. He really don't know what to think about her. He don't like mysterious but this woman is a mystery by it self.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!" A guard ran into the throne room and fell to his knees. "Goblins are attacking the border."

"Why don't you deal with it? What are you getting paid for?" He was in a sour mood that keeps getting sour by the moment.

He get up and walk out of the throne room. The last thing he want to have to deal with is Goblins. Those smelly bastards are testing his patience.

He flew to the border where the things were trying to break the magic border. While he can pass through it easily other creatures can't.

"King Kellam. Its a pleasure having your great us with your presence." Kellam grimace at the rotten teeth of the leader.

"Why do you keep trying to break through when you know you're not going to succeed?"

They bare their teeth at him. He found the situation stupid and not worthy his time.

"You're starting a war you can't finish Lars."

"We will succeed one day. Just you wait and see King Kellam."

Kellam flew back to the palace not caring to entertain those things anymore.

"How did it go Your Majesty?"


Lynexia stood by the window looking out. She saw the king leave and returned. There seem to be alot chaos brewing. She can feel it. She can smell blood in the air. The rancid smell was enough to make her want to puke.

She don't know how she's able to do all that. She was from a world where no one cares about each other and supernatural creatures don't exist. Her being throw in this world suddenly creeps her out.

"My Lady."

Lynexia turn around and her head immediately started to spin. "My Lady!"

The maid rush to her and Lynexia held the wall to steady herself.

"I'm OK. I just to rest." Lynexia walk to the bed and get under the covers. "Is everyone OK?"

"Everyone is OK My Lady. Why do you asked?"

"I just have a feeling that's all.

"I'll leave you to rest."

Lynexia close her eyes and her head was spinning like crazy.

She didn't remember much after the door closes. But she remember the dreams that come after. They were gruesome and unpleasant. They weren't dreams but nightmares.

The head maid, Jen, bow before King Kellam. "Your Majesty My Lady seems unwell."

"What's wrong with her?"

"She said she just need rest but she's paler than usual."

"Get the doctor."

He get up and walk out of the throne room. He head up to the tower via flying because he can't bother with the steps. Why use steps when you got gigantic wings?

He land softly on his feet and walk to the bed. He press a hand against her forehead but she wasn't warm. But she look sickly pale.

The door open and Jen enter with the doctor.

"Your Majesty."

"Just check her." The doctor shuffle forward, trying to stay clear of Kellam.

"She has been poisoned."

"Poisoned? How the hell can she be poisoned when no one knows she's here."

"The council know about her."

"Can you treat it?"

"Only your blood can."

"Damn Nightshade. Get out." The doctor bow and left.

Kellam was torn between giving the blood and the consequences after. Royal blood from a dragon is the most dangerous thing to give a mortal. But he can't let her die.

His claws came out and he cut his wrist. He held his hand over her mouth before it could heal. He hope his blood won't burn her. He don't think he can't take that. He rather kill himself than hurt her.

His wrist heal and he waited. He sit on the edge of the bed and pull the covers up so she will be warmer. He should probably change her out of this room. He wasn't really thinking when he left her here.

She cough and leave over the side of the bed to throw up. He rub her back and keep her hair away from her face.

"It's OK."

"What happened?"

"You've been poisoned."

Lynexia gaped at him in shock.

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