One's passione

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It took Y/N another 4 hours to drive back to the hotel. it was quite difficult to drive a car while holding a wound on your stomach which meant that Y/N was swerving across the round trying to keep control. Eventually the wounded stand user arrived at the hotel and walked into the hotel where in the living room he was met by his friends and brother who swarmed over him checking his wound.

Charlie: Y/N! Sweet satan are you okay!?

Y/N: Nrgh I'm fine Charlie it's just a small gash I'll be fine.

Husk: A small gash?! You had a whole chunk of your stomach blown off!

Y/N: I'll recover I suffered from far worse.

Nifty: I find that hard to believe.

Vaggie: Y/N do you have any idea how wreckless that was? You've could have gotten yourself killed!

Y/N: I know but prick messed with my brother and hell to that if you think I'd let him off the hook.

Alastra: A good show my dear you gave that fool one beating that he'll never forget.

Charlie: Alastra....please stop encouraging this type of behaviour!

Doppio: Everyone in hell saw what you did to vox bro! What if his friends come looking for you?

Y/N: What? Some social media addicted girl and a wannabe pimp? Yeah I think I can handle that sort of trouble.

Angel dust: Don't scare us like that babe you gave us all a heart attack!

Y/N: Sorry for spooking you guys like that but I could really use some rest right now.

Vaggie: At least let us bandage your wounds first.

Y/N did as instructed and sat still letting his friends patch him up. Y/N also filled them in on what went down telling how powerful his stand really was and how scared Valentino got much to angel dusts enjoyment.

The scene cuts to inside Y/N's room where Y/N was sitting on his bed yawning with bandages wrapped around his stomach. He was about to call it a night when someone knocked on his door.

Y/N: (Groans) Who is it?

The door opens and Charlie walks in with her face looking down as she walks upto Y/N.

Y/N: Hey Charlie.....what's wrong?


Y/N: Charlie?


Y/N: (Sigh) Your mad at me aren't you? Fine if you came here to tell me off go on then I deserve it! Hell you can give me a slap if it calms you down I won't stop you.

Instead of slapping Y/N Charlie instead starts to cry Y/N heart sinks as he see tears falling from her eyes to the floor. She then suddenly pulls Y/N into a hug and breaks down in Y/N's arms.

Charlie: (Crying) Don' ever....scare me like that again. I-I thought you were gonna die. I thought I would lose you.

Y/N says nothing and pulls Charlie closer comforting the distraught princess who's tears were soaking his chest.

Charlie: (Crying) Promise me..... promise me that you'll never do something like that ever again.

Y/N:......I promise Charlie.

Charlie tires herself from her crying and slowly falls asleep in Y/N's arms. Y/N smiles and carefully pulls the blanket over her and falls and closes his eyes and slowly falls asleep.

Y/N: I promise.

Meanwhile back in the greed ring the man with the black eyes was playing a recording of Y/N's fight with vox to two other people.

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