Miss Morningstar

978 27 7

Y/N looked at Lilith who sat on his bed staring at him with a smirk. He couldn't believe what he was seeing there she was one of the most if not the most powerful women in hell back from her sudden seven year sabbatical in his room of all places. You'd expect her to see her daughter first after all this time but apparently not.

Lilith: Y/N L/N lover of my dear daughter at last we finally meet.

Y/N: Oh miss Morningstar w-what a suprise uhhhh its an honour.

Lilith: The honours all mine and please dear just call me Lilith.

Y/N: Okay Ummmm Lilith what brings you to the hazbin hotel? Are you here to visit your daughter? I mean if you are I could call Charlie and tell her your visiting.

Lilith: No no that won't be necessary I intend to talk with my daughter on a different occasion. I am here because of you.

Y/N: M-me?

Y/N looks at his stand who was also confused.

King crimson: Why us? We haven't even met until now.

Lilith: I know but the rumors speak for themselves.

Lilith stands up and walks to Y/N with a sway in her step gently stroking Y/N's chin.

Lilith: Not much in hell can suprise me anymore it's always the same. Some arrogant overlord gets too big for his heels and tries to take over the seven rings. He fails, dies and then another overlord does the same and the cycle continues.

She then wraps her arms around Y/N pushing her breasts on Y/N's back.

Lilith: But then there's you.....the human powerhouse, the unstoppable force of hell. If the tales are true you were the one that put Adam ten feet in the ground.

Y/N: Yeah he attacked the hotel, killed one of my friends, I whooped his ass, gave him a chance to leave which he didn't and I killed him I did what I had to do.

Lilith: And that's what I like about you your more then willing to get to hands bloody and fend off heavens forces something that no other overlord dares to do.

Y/N: Yeah because unlike them my balls don't shrivel up into my ass every they here the word extermination. Instead I think that I can cause an extermination of my own give the exorcists a taste of their own divine retribution.

Lilith: (Laughs) My you are quite the war machine aren't you?

Y/N: If they can bleed they can be killed and the exorcists are no expectation.

Lilith moans and gets closer to Y/N's ear.

Lilith: I love a man who's ready for war like you the eagerness to chare into battle such bravery it's something Lucifer had lost years ago.

Y/N: Yeah I heard you and him ain't a thing no more.

Lilith: Ever since he gave up after being kicked from heaven me and him couldn't see eye to eye. While I wanted hell to rise up and gain power over heaven Lucifer instead confined himself to his ridiculous machinations and even agreed to the extermination. If that was you instead of Lucifer and god asked you to agree to a yearly genocide of your own people what would you do?

Y/N: Spit in his face, rip his heart out and burn his kingdom to the ground.

Lilith: As would any leader would I mean you should know.

Lilith then whispers into his ear.

Lilith: You are a crime boss yourself Y/N or should I say....... diavolo.

Lilith gently pushes Y/N away causing him to glitch out switching between his diavolo appearance and his usual appearance. King crimson immediately entered a fighting stance while his user was shocked beyond belief.

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