To take a stand

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Everyone from the hotel stood in line as Y/N and doppio paced back and forth drill sargent style. The crew were also joined by Cherri and even Lucifer. Lucifer kinda wanted to stop diavolo from you know causing a war but he also wanted a really cool stand. He thinks having one is all the rage and will make him hip with the young ones. Cherri just wanted to kick some ass so when angel told her what was going on she just had to get involved.

Y/N: ALLLLLRIGHT! Ladies and gentlemen today is the day of your piercing! Each of you will pluck up the courage and willpower to take the arrow and plunge it into your very heart.


Doppio: It's also gonna be dangerous! If you don't have enough pure will and spirit the arrow will kill you so only the best can posses a stand.

Y/N: And standing infront of me are some of the best and sexiest sons of a bitches in all of hell and I know you all got what it takes to use a stand!

Charlie: Yes sir! (Salutes)

Cherri: (laughs) Fuck yeah dude!

Niffty: (He's so hot I want him to dominate me.)

Husk: So who's gonna go first?

Vaggie: I think I should-

Lucifer: Oh me! Me, me, me!

Lucifer raises his hand like a playful child and walks to Y/N.

Lucifer: Let the big man show you how it's done.

Y/N: Sweet we got our first volunteer! Doppio?

Doppio picks up a bow and readies the arrow.

Doppio: Way ahead of ya bro.

Lucifer goes pale when doppio aims towards him.

Lucifer: (Laughs nervously) Hey hey uhhhh k-kiddo? H-how does this whole getting stand thing work?

Y/N: Oh that's easy you get shot with the arrow.

Lucifer: Oh! (Goes pale) How painful is it?

Doppio: it's hell on earth. No pun intended.

Y/N: Yeah think about stepping on a Lego or a upturned plug but ten times worse.

Everyone including the reader shuddered.

Y/N: It's pretty bad buuut I'm sure you'll be fine!

Doppio: Ready-

Lucifer: C-can we rethink this for a second?

Doppio: Aim-

Lucifer: WAIT HOLD UP!


The arrow flies from the bow and straight into Lucifer's chest. The "big man" falls to the floor and immediately cries in pain.


Charlie: Ummmm Y/N are you sure he's gonna be okay?

Y/N: Meh probably.

It took another minute of screaming until Lucifer slowly got up off of the floor. He was hyperventilating and shedding tears.

Y/N: There you go wasn't so bad was it? How you feeling big man?

Lucifer: So this....... this is what penetration feels like.

Alastra snickers at Lucifers discomfort.

Lucifer: (Scowls) Oh yeah haw-haw keep on laughing just wait until it's your turn!

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