Exorc-stential crisis

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Emily sat alone in her room brushing her hair with a golden comb. Heaven hasn't been the same since the reveal of the extermination and the death of Adam at the hands of Y/N and his stand king crimson. Trust between Emily and her so called protector Sera has dwindled since the truth came to light. All her life Emily trusted Sera . Emily couldn't believe that she had agreed and approved of the extermination. To allow the death of sinners who could be redeemed. Sir pentious was the prime example of such redemption here he was in heaven after bodily sacrificing himself for his friends for the people who gave him a second chance when many others would not.

Emily: Sera.....why Sera?......I trusted you but......all this time.....

But there was another thing on em's mind..... someone on her mind.

It was Y/N.

She couldn't get him out of her head. The smile, the hair, the looks the personality everything. She admired how he stood up to Adam when pucci forced him to plead his case. From what she heard from pentious he was also a natural fighter taking down hordes of exorcists single-handedly. Usually she wouldn't cheer for something like this but now the line of good and bad and heaven and hell were so blurred making her ask herself.....who are really the angels here and who are the devils?

Emily: I wish I could see you again Y/N. Maybe I could use my angelic magic and make a portal to hell but is it safe? What would the other angels think?

A knock on the door shakes Emily out of her mood and her smile returns.

Emily: Come in!

The door opens and the newly redeemed sir pentious lets himself in.

Sir pentious: Why hello missss Emily! How are you doing on this fine heavenly day?

Emily: Oh sir pentious! Urmm I'm doing just fine! How are you settling in?

Sir pentious: Wonderfully my dear although some of the angels especially that lute women give me quite the nasssty look.

Emily: Ignore them they don't like giving an honest person like you a chance.

Sir pentious and Emily are seen walking through heaven heading straight towards the chapel.

Sir pentious: So.....m-mind telling me why we're going to this chapel?

Emily: I need to see if father pucci is still there. It serves as his home and place of prayer.

Sir pentious: Wait isn't he that priest Y/N told us about? The one with the stand?

Emily: Yeah I heard him talking to Sera he's going to go to hell and fight Y/N. I have to try and talk to pucci see if I can convince him to stop.

Sir pentious:That fool wants to fight........Y/N of all people?

Emily: Yes.

Sir pentious:...............


Sir pentious starts laughing hysterically but Emily looks at him with a serious expression.

Sir pentious: Hahahaha (Slaps tail)..........You ssserious?

Emily: (Nods)

Sir pentious: Ohhhh w-well that idiot signed his death warrant. What is he thinking? I've seen Y/N in combat first hand and that priest has nothing on him!

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