Chapter 3: She's So....Aghhh

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"The hell does that mean?" Kevin asked.

"I mean this dumbass freshman has a 5.8 GPA and she's a music prodigy? She's going after my title man." James threw his head back.

"It's about damn time someone throws you off that pedestal," Kevin said as he chucked a paper ball into the trash can behind him. He missed.

"And she's joining the music team. It's so annoying." James groaned once more.

"She's good?" Kevin asked.

"She's incredible...reminded me of...I don't know. She's good," James said.

Chad suddenly walked into the bowling alley and slapped six George Washington's on the counter. Kevin handed him his regular 11.5 size shoes.

"Thanks, Kev," Chad said, grabbing the shoes. He and James did a single head nod to make sure they acknowledged each other's existence before Chad walked up to the lanes.

"Since we are apparently talking about girls, we can't get off our minds," Kevin started.


"This girl walked in a day before the semester started. She kept staring at Chad, and I think he's playing with her," Kevin admitted.

"So?" James shrugged his shoulders. "It's Chad."

"I know. But she looked innocent, and I gave her his attention. She didn't know any better. Looked like a freshman."

James was lost in his own thoughts. He didn't care about some freshman who was dumb enough to fall into Chad's trap. Perched on a stool, he found himself dozing off with his eyes open, cooling his hands with the root beer he cradled in his palms. Sleep had eluded him the night before, after a nightmare he couldn't shake.

The nightmare, a vivid third person scene, consisted of his roommate ringing the last note to her musical piece. From what he remembered, they were at the big town music concert that the team participates in every year. The most horrifying part? He saw himself. Standing a few feet away, applauding Genesis, before he concluded the show. She performed the final piece when that was his part.

They always finish the concert with the best performance, and since James is the most talented pianist...obviously, he always performed the last piece. But in his nightmare, when he returned on stage to bid everyone a good night, no one praised him. James shuttered as the dream came back to his mind. And the after slumber memory of waking up at three in the morning, to see Genesis innocently sleeping like a baby. Bizard.

"I haven't seen her since either. Genesis...Genesis something I think."

The name snapped James out of his reverie. He shot a look at Chad, who was bowling with one hand and using his camera to record with the other. Chad does live chats every Tuesday, so he's probably talking to the fans on his vlog. Yes, Chad is a serious vlogger; he does it on the side to make some extra cheddar, and he's very popular.

"Anyways, I checked his vlog. Chad's doing this video on the girl who makes his heart skip a beat, he'll date or some cringe BS like that. Think he got her to do it."

James scoffed at the idea. Chad doesn't go bragging about the girls he's with, but James hears a lot of rumors that go around the school. You couldn't get Chad to commit to an ice cream topping, let alone a woman, and it still didn't stop the girls from trying to tie him down. But Genesis? James couldn't picture it.

"Well—what did she look like?" James had a slight curious frown on his face, eyebrows furrowed, trying to get more from the conversation.

"Brown eyes, gold glasses, brown hair."

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