Chapter 32: I Want To Leave Part 2

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Fuck, James thought to himself. But this was such an unromantic way to say it. In a hotel? Seriously? She was already staring him down, just wanting him to get it over with.

"That I...wanted to talk," James said, running his hands through his hair. Jen had an annoyed look on her face now.

"James, seriously, to talk about what?" she asked.

James searched the ground, suddenly forgetting every single conversation starter possible. He was nervous.

"James, if you don't need to say anything, then you can go," she said, pointing to the door behind him.

"Uh," James grabbed the music textbook that was on the edge of her bed and looked through it.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm studying the history of music," James said, flipping through the book.

"Why are you holding the book upside down then?" Jen asked.

James turned red for a minute. He cleared his throat and flipped the book right side up.

"I wanted to see if I could read it upside down," he said, obviously lying. She had written many notes in the book; she must be very dedicated to her courses. He carefully placed the book back on her bed.

Jen hated how much she missed him. She was having a hard time telling him to get out. And even when she asked, she didn't mean it. She enjoyed his company.

James looked through the bag he brought and pulled out William to hand to her.

"You brought William?" Jen asked.

"It's for you to keep," he said, now looking down at her. He realized that she was wearing only a long hoodie. Whose hoodie was that? It fit her like a dress. She did say she had a cousin named Harold. But many she just didn't want to hurt his feelings. Like, what king of parents name their kids Harold?

Jen stepped to her nightstand, grabbed her wallet, and pulled out thirty bucks.

"You don't need to pay me," he said, handing her the bear. "I'm giving it to you because you will take better care of him. Maybe get his eyes checked out."

"Thank you," Jen said, slipping the money into his pocket instead. He smiled when he felt her thumb touch his jeans.

She sat down on the foot of her bed and held William. James sat down next to her as she played the old recording. He laid his head on her shoulder.

She hates that he makes her want to stay in California.

"Franklin looks good with contacts," Jen said.

James loosely wrapped his arms around Jen's waist, pulling her closer to him. He stayed there for a few seconds before resting his jaw on her shoulder, and looked straight at her side profile.

"I'm really, really sorry," he said.

Jen forgave James a long time ago.

"Please," James whined.

Jen stared at the TV show playing in front of her, the volume turned down low. She couldn't bring herself to look at James. He would make her fold on the bed.

"Why are you saying 'please'?" Jen asked.

"Because I know you must hate me now," he said.

"I don't hate you. I'll never hate you," she said. She tried to get up, but James was holding her tight. He was making this so hard for her.

"You're not mad at me?" he asked.

"I'm not mad at you," she assured him, then sighed. "I'm really not, James."

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