Chapter 11: I Can't Even Look At You Part 1

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"I don't understand. It's 9:30. He was supposed to be here at eight," Jen said, peeping at her phone, waiting for a message, even a bubble. She needed some confirmation. Her mind was running in circles. She went back to overthinking how she did on the date last night. Maybe he just didn't want to be rude about it. Maybe he realized he wasn't interested.

James sighed. "I don't think he's gonna show up.
Sorry, Jen," he said. "Fucking bastard," he mumbled a little more quietly.

"His guitar isn't in here either," Jen said, gazing at the collection of guitars on the wall, which were complete except for the black guitar he was using to 'teach her'. She wanted to cry; she could feel a tear trying to slip out, so she angled her head up. James noticed.

"You know something that'll cheer you up..." James said as he opened the mini fridge that was filled with sodas and lemonades. He reached for two root beers, handing one to Jen.

"I'm not in the mood," Jen said, declining the drink.
That's when they suddenly heard very loud but slow footsteps. It was coming from the hallway, but it seemed to reverberate through the music room Jen and James were in. She glanced nervously at James, whose jaw was clenched in anticipation. Jen felt the walls closing in around them as neither of them spoke. Jen took another glance at James, watching his knuckles whitened as he clenched his fists, his gaze fixed on the door.

"What's that?" Jen asked, already knowing the answer. There was no mistaking the slow, deliberate cadence of his footsteps.

"I think it's Chad," James said, looking around the room. There wasn't another exit from the room they were in right now, and he couldn't go out the only door, because Chad was coming in any second now.

"You stay here. I'm gonna hide," James said before he ran to squat behind a table in the corner of the room.
Seconds later, the door unlocked and Chad stepped inside.

"Chad! Hi," Jen smiled at him as he shut the door behind himself and locked it.

"Sorry, I'm late. Something happened," Chad said.
"What happened?" Jen asked.

"Why do you need to know?" Chad asked defensively.

"No– I just wanted to make sure you were okay," Jen said, trying to maintain her smile even though it was starting to hurt her cheeks. Chad looked down at the ground, as if he was guilty, and didn't know what to say next.

"It's personal." Chad said, taking a long sigh. He stepped inside, revealing  that the missing guitar was in his grip. "But, I want to teach you some more guitar."

Jen sat down on the couch and he situated the guitar on her lap.raa

James was sipping on his root beer from behind the table, watching them. He rolled his eyes at the visual. Chad was teaching her guitar? Jen was very good at it, and since when did Chad play?

"Do you remember the chord I taught you last time?" Chad asked, guiding Jen's fingers into position on the fretboard.

James couldn't help but silently giggle to himself. His body vibrated as he tried to suppress his laughter, and his grin grew wider, a few snickers slipping out involuntarily. This was so stupid.

Jen strung the note like a bimbo.

Despite the painfully dumb situation unfolding in front of his eyes, James didn't like the position they were in. Jen was nearly sitting on Chad's lap. He drank the root beer, as he watched Chad teach Jen another chord. He grabbed the can that Jen declined, and carefully put his empty can on the ground making sure not to make a noise. He opened it, only to forget that cans hiss.

"What was that?" James heard Chad ask.

"I didn't hear anything," Jen said, trying to pull Chad back onto the couch, but he was already standing up.

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