I'm very cool B)

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A train is going to hit five people, but you can divert the train using a lever so it will only hit one person, what do you choose?

A. Not do anything and let the train hit the five people

B. Flip the lever and have the train hit one person

C. Kick the one person in the balls

D. Explode the train with magic

Your friend has made you a Hello Kitty bento box, but you are not hungry, what do you say to them?

A. "No, thank you."

B. "Thank you, so much, but, uuhhhhhh..."

C. "I was in the Hello Kitty war of 1939, I had to kill another soldier trapped with me in a pit. I wasn't able to escape for 14 days. For 14 days, I looked at the corpse and saw a picture of his family. I had to eat the corpse. After those 14 days and the rest of the war, I was never the same..."

D. "I'm sick...sick of your bull shit."

You see a child trapped up a tree. The child tried to save their cat who ran away from them in fear. What do you do?

A. Climb up the tree to attempt to save the child

B. Pet the cat

C. Throw the cat up to the child

D. Run away from them and forget

You find out that the world is a simulation and a man in a black coat offers you a red pill to awaken from the simulation, and a blue pill to forget about it, what pill do you take?

A. The red pill

B. The blue pill

C. The yellow pill

D. The red pill AND the blue pill

A/N: You've

Been Vector'd.

Your mother has scoliosisDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora