' i miss her.'

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(Harry's pov)
I'd been horrified since the cafe and the paparazzi pictures so I'd not posted much. One thing I did notice was people were picking on Sadie wayyy more than usual. Pretty much every post I saw that mentioned her was negative and rude. It was pissing me off and I'd seen so many ppl try to bring me into it.

Eventually I'd had enough,

@User Lmfaoo Sadie not responding like a bitch

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Lmfaoo Sadie not responding like a bitch.. she's gained a load of weight after the breakup tbh. Harry is just better 💀
@User and 400k others liked this post

Comments -
@user -fr!!! She's so ugly honestly.. bet she cheated or smth and is now playing the victim. Harry is the best thing that ever happened to her..
- @wroetoshaw - I'd usually ignore this but it's gone to far lmao.. yous are so obsessed with tryna bring her down for nothing?? focus on your own life and leave her alone???
- @User - I have no clue what to say. sorry

@User Sadie been looking real fat lately@User and 200k others liked this post

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Sadie been looking real fat lately
@User and 200k others liked this post

Comments -
@Wroetoshaw - putting a photo of her looking good then calling her fat is wild.. grow up

- this post was deleted by the creator -

I sighed and set me phone down. I was going to drop her bag off at 2 and I was extremely nervous to see her again. Plus loads of photographers and paparazzi had been watching our movement together a lot closer recently.

I knocked on the door and scratched my chest nervously.

'Hiya' she spoke before opening the door up fully. She froze a bit when she realised it was me which made my heart ache.

'I've got your bag..' I practically mumbled to her as I handed it over. She opened it and checked the contents to make sure everything was there.

'Thanks.. and I'm sorry for freaking out on you at the cafe. It wasn't fair.'

'It was completely fair. Don't feel guilty for expressing your feelings. I shouldn't have riled you up.' I waved before walking back to the lift and making my way to my car.

I had to film a video for the reacts channel today with JJ and Vikstar. I tried my hardest to over exaggerate my reactions but I was honestly really bored and unfocused. My mind kept wandering to what she had said. Had I really told her I'd been with a girl?

Why would I have told her that? I'd never cheated and never would. Plus although during our relationship she did have some attachment issues I was never super bothered by it all. It was a flaw which she couldn't fix. I would never have mentioned it usually but clearly I was feeling confident!

I couldn't keep my mind off how life was after the breakup. I was destroyed and didn't know how to continue on. My whole life was planned around us getting married and having kids together. Yet in that moment it seemed like my life would just be me doing YouTube and watching everyone else get married while I mourn the girl I used to call mine.

People online didn't take it well and were convinced one of us had cheated. It destroyed us even more as people raised some points that made it seem like Sadie or I had cheated which made me even more insecure of whether maybe she had. Even though I knew she wasn't like that I could never truly predict her.

I was snapped out of my thoughts to JJ and Viks laughing as they went

'BOG R ALIVE???' JJ practically screamed through the mic. I checked my phone and realised id been zoned out for like 5 minutes and had completely stopped reacting to the video. I had also just not responded to any of them.

After we finished the video they both shot me quick texts asking if I was ok. Ofc I assured them I was and that I had just been tired. It was around 6:14 when Cal appeared with some Nandos and sat down at the TV with me.

'How you doin' mate?' Cal nudged me.

'I'm good' I lied through my teeth.

'Clearly fuckin not! What happened now??' Cal stared me dead in the eyes.

'I just miss her.' I sighed and Cal laughed slightly, 'what's funny?!'

'I think you've made it quite clear that you miss her to everybody but her Boggo..' he laughed and took another bite of his food.

'You know damn well that I tried and it ended up with her running off and pictures of us fighting ending up all over social media!' I groaned.

'Then maybe don't do it in public.. it's like you shagging her on stage at a concert and being upset people watched. You both practically handed them the content.'

'that was the most random and shit example I've ever heard' I laughed, 'but I guess your right. Gotta respect the grind.'

'Wait for a bit till your both on better terms, then ask to meet at one of your apartments and talk.'

@SadieDevoire Could literally collapse into my bed rn @Wroetoshaw and 2million others liked this post

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Could literally collapse into my bed rn @Wroetoshaw and 2million others liked this post

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