Pleads and lies

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Harry's pov

I shouldn't have been so pleased that Sadie drunk texted me. It was a mistake. She didn't mean anything. Yet I couldn't help it from taking up my mind the entire day as I texted her between sidemen shoots. The conversations were short but I really just didn't have time for more or I'd give her it all. Fuck. I really wasn't over her was I?

Kira had become insufferable. I was fed up with the constant pinging announcing me of her messages. They were mainly just curses mixed with pleas of me to forgive her. Was she really that desperate? Gross..

"Messages with Kira"
'Fuck you harry.'
'Bet you weren't at a shoot. Probably cheating on me with that psycho.'

'We aren't even dating?'
'And I was at a shoot. Back off?'

'Please Harry I'm sorry I love you.'
'Take me back and forget about that whore.'

I sighed as I clicked the angry red button to block her. I knew she wouldn't go down that easily and had to anticipate severe backlash in some way but I really just couldn't handle her anymore. Her texts made me annoyed and her high pitched voice screaming was like a cat drawing its claw across a chalk board. Fucking insufferable. She was paranoid and desperate and it made me want to rip my hair out. I'd carve Sadie's name in my ribs and I'd stab myself in the heart with Kira's in the hope that atleast I'd pass away and the word would become unreadable as I was lowered into the dirt. I knew she wouldn't be my type yet I invited her over and led her on like a prick. I shouldn't have. I should have accepted the loneliness and let it drag me under but I was too self centered to consider anyone else. Fuck maybe that's why Sadie left. Maybe it was all me. Back to the topic, Sadie had definitely noticed she was blocked.

The first outcome to that action was the banging on the door.

"Open the fucking door Harry!" Kira screamed, "I know you're in there! How dare you block me?!"

In a desperate attempt to make her fuck off I stayed still to avoid making noise and didn't respond. How horrific could a girl be? I knew it was a dangerous decision to even hit her up but hell I hadn't thought she would do this! Maybe I had done her badly but I just couldn't handle her anymore. She banged on the door for what felt like hours and I wanted to scream.

After an hour or so she left and I hoped and prayed that was the last of it.

My prayers went unanswered.

@KiraRedling  'some people are just snakes

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'some people are just snakes. Specifically YouTubers who are too full of themselves to even apologize after cheating on you! Fuck you wroetoshaw. Blocked me on messages? Get a life and own up to your actions. @wroetoshaw

@User - bet he cheated on Sadie too then?
- @User2 - omg yeah!!

@User - you deserve better gorgeous x. Horrified to find Harry's gone and done that..

@User - is there any proof??..
- @User2 - stop trying to find a reason to defend him?

I gaped at my phone. How do I response to that? What the hell! I hadn't cheated on her, no matter how much I wanted to sprint to Sadie's apartment and apologise and cradle her on the couch I hadn't. I would never. Now the entire situation had escalated. I was also being accused of cheating on Sadie.?? I hoped and prayed that I was dreaming. This was all such a stupid drama and I couldn't even be bothered.

I hastily unblocked Kira's number in an attempt to make her remove the post.

"Messages with Kira"
Kira has been unblocked.

- what the actual fuck is that post about?? When the hell did I cheat on you.

-yeah sure Harry. Play dumb!

- Kira this isn't a joke anymore what are you on about???

- don't act like I don't know why you blocked me and then didn't answer your apartment.

- enlighten me then!

- a girl obviously had your phone and was jealous of our true love. Plus you didn't answer the apartment because you were probably shagging her!

- you've got all that shit wrong.

- awwhhh boohoo.

Kira has blocked you

I threw my phone at the wall and didn't bother with how a cracking noise stung through the air. I walked over to my bed and wallowed in my self pity till sleep overcame me.

HI!!!! it's been a while. Bit angsty before it all picks up

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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