' Travelling and feelings '

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(Harry pov)
I was traveling home from my parents today. The weekend had been good and gotten my mind off things. Yet I knew I'd have to face the situation eventually. Kira has been spamming me constantly, begging me to forgive her or harassing me about overreacting. Most of the time I've ignored her except the occasional reply to shut her up.

As I sat down in the back of the car I clicked onto our conversation.

"Messages with Kira"

'Harry I'm sorry'
'I'm sorry'
'She's not worth ur worrying!!'
'I shouldn't have sent that I'm sorry'
'Harry don't ignore me'
'U can't ignore me forever'
'Harry this is immature'
'It's Christmas this is so childish'
'For Christmas you should forgive me'
'She deserved it for breaking ur heart'
'She's a raging bitch who only loved you for fame'

'I'm with family'
'I'm not ignoring you I'm busy.'

'Oh fuck off!'
'Please I love you'
'You deserve soemone liek me not her'
'I love you'

I read the messages from the past week and groaned as my fingers tapped out a response

'can we talk?'

'yes I'll come over rn!!!'

'I'm not home yet'

'I can wait inside for you'
' where's ur spare key?'

'rather u waited till I got home'
'I'll message you when I do.'

I shut my phone off and looked out the window. Did she think I was over what happened?

The journey was agonizing as i knew I would either be arguing or "getting along" (if Yk what I mean) with Kira soon. Maybe I was a little desperate for inviting her over. She was probably just a rebound which was unfair to her and I knew it. I was leading her on when I thought about it but I couldn't care less. I was focusing on myself for once. For now.

I stepped out the car and headed up to my flat, as I strolled out the lift I saw Kira standing outside my door. Annoyed, I turned around a walked back into the lift. I hadn't told her to come over yet so she would have to wait till I wanted her over.


Bog - 'nvm I'll make it to today's shoot.'

Vikky - 'I thought you just got back from Guernsey?'

FatherBehz - 'yeah just skip this one and rest mate'

Bog - 'nah I wanna come'

MrMinter - 'alright no problem, filming starts in around 30 minutes. That's a reminder to everyone.. @AlmightyKSI

AlmightyKsi - 'tf u @ me for?!'

FatherBehz - 'think we both now why'

Zerka - 'pretty obvious"

AlmightyKSI 'what you implying?!'

I snapped back to reality as the lift dinged to announce it was at my floor. I strolled out the building (still holding my suitcase) and headed to the place we were filming. I would just have to leave my suitcase somewhere random and hope nobody really asked.

I made it to the building with 5 minutes to spare and everyone except JJ and Tobi were sitting on the coach. Tobi couldn't make it so I'd expected him not to be there but JJ was gonna need to hurry up..

I placed my suitcase in the side room and sat down next to Behz. He turned round to face me and looked back to the room I'd just been in.

'What did you put in the other room?' Ethan questioned confusedly.


'Why didn't you leave it at your flat?' He looked concerned, 'something happen?'

'I told Kira that I'd invite her over so we could talk about what happened later,' I groaned as Ethan listened carefully. The other guys were deep in a conversation about something else, 'and I showed up to my flat and she was outside the door. Even after I specifically said to wait for me to get home.'

'And that made you bring your suitcase to shoot?'

'Well if she wanted to be there when I wasn't,' I laughed, 'then she could be there until I was free.'

After the shoot I grabbed my suitcase and waved the lads goodbye. She hadn't texted me about how she was outside the flat. Maybe she had left?

No luck on that I quickly realised as I stepped out the lift and locked eyes with a very tired and angry looking Kira.

'Where the fuck have you been!' She stomped her foot on the ground as she spoke. Maybe she thought it made her more intimidating? Instead it made her seem like a moody toddler.

'At a sidemen shoot. I thought I told you to wait for me to come home first?' She went bright red and got a lot quieter as I spoke.

'Well you never told me you had a shoot!'

'Wouldn't have had to if you could leave me alone for 5 minutes.' I walked into my flat and closed and locked the door without saying a word. She banged on it for a while but I didn't answer.

Maybe I should have answered. Maybe I should have taken her more seriously. I wasn't good with confrontation. I knew that.

@SadieDevoire I look tooo pleased with myself in this photo @LaceyWoodsxx and 1

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I look tooo pleased with myself in this photo
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