My Life, My Secrets, My Story Part 56

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OK, so when I was re-reading this, I found out how awful my writing is, and how many mistakes there are, so when I finish this, I'll go back and edit it. Anyway, here's the chapter you've all been waiting for.



"Simple plan. We get in, grab Alex and get out!" I plan.

"Stephanie and John will create a diversion, while me, Brendan and Oscar I will get Alex, and you guys cover my back, while I get Alex. Kill anyone that gets in your way." I state.

"Remind me never to steal your mate." mutters Brendan.

I race to the car, and got in. The guy followed. The pack stays here.

Time to get Alex back.

Part 56

Alec's POV

I don't care if I die, as long as I get Alex out of there, and safe. That's my one and only objective right now. Not that I was planning to die. I was going to make sure she got back home, in my arms, safe and sound.

Now, she's stuck with a pack of rouges, admittedly, a small pack, but a powerful one, none the less. They had just captured her, and now I was going to get her. Couldn't anything go right for us, for once?! No!! Practically the whole world was against us, literally! We just couldn't get a break, could we?

We managed to get to the place they were holding Alex. It was a warehouse, an abandoned warehouse. That's so cliché. What, they couldn't find a better place to kidnap her to?

:: I'm here, Alex:: I sent her a thought.

:: Get me out of here::

"Come on." I say, seriously.

Stephanie and John enter first, since they're the distraction. Brendan, Oscar and I went in right after, me in front, Brendan and Oscar next to each other, behind me.

They made a distraction, by making all the objects in the warehouse, mainly boxes filled with stuff, float. It caused havoc around the warehouse and no one knew what was going on. I took this time to find and get Alex. She was sitting in the left corner of the warehouse, tied up to a chair, gagged and blindfolded. It angered me to see them treating my Alex like a piece of trash. I quickly ran to her, Brendan and Oscar right behind me. When I started taking the blindfold off, she didn't resist, knowing it was me. I quickly took the blindfold, gag, and rope all off her. By then, all the wolves were floating up in the air, by Stephanie and John's doing.

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