My Life, My Secrets, My Story Part 3

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Ok part 3! Wooooo!!!!!! Guys, I need criticism and comments I can't make it better if you don't help me!!! Plz?! Pweetty pwease?!


Part 3 

Alec's POV

She seemed angry with us, and we didn't even do anything wrong. I wanted to talk to her, ask her what was wrong, but she met another kid and they sat next to each other. This upset me, I wanted to sit next to her, and she was going to be mine! We introduced ourselves, like the last time, but this time, Alex looked like she was bored, or tuning us out. After the intros, the history teacher, Mr. Jenson, gave us a lecture and asked us to take notes; no one really did, except Alex. I noticed something; she was wearing all black, dark black jeans, and a black t-shirt, that says "Emo" on it, even her shoes, black converses. I also noticed, no matter how hard she tried to hide it behind her jacket sleeves, there were slits in her wrists, and recent scars. Why would my baby, want to be emo? What happened, why is she upset? Why did she resort to cutting herself? Is she in pain? Is she sad? These questions ran through my mind as we sat in class, and before I know it, the bell rings. She sighs and gets up walking over to us.

"Do you guys still want me to help you get to your classes or do you want to ask someone to help you to you classes?" she asked, hoping we would go with the latter, but I wasn't giving up on her.

"I want you to help us, but guys what do you want to do?" I said, feeling bad that they have to follow me following my mate.

They said they'd stay with us, which I was okay with, because I prefer them to stay next to me, because it's been that way since we were born. We followed her to second period, and decided to talk to her, because I noticed she was uncomfortable.

"Hey Alex? Can we play 20 questions; you know to get to know each other better?" She scoffed at me, why, I have no clue.

"Sure, but you have to distinguish between fact and fiction." She answered, as if it was the hardest thing in the world.

"Ok, how old are you?" I started off.

"17. You." She replied.

"You look older, but I trust you, so I'll believe you there. I'm 18 actually." I told her, happy we were actually talking. She scoffed in reply, again. Why, I still don't know.

"What about you guys? How old are you?" she spoke, talking to my Beta and Omega.

"We're 18 too. Can I ask you a question?" Brendon asked.

My eyes widened in horror, as I read his mind to see what he was going to ask. He was reading my mind when I was observing her. I was about to stop him when it was too late, he said it.

"Why are your wrists slit?"                                        


Alex's POV

After the bell rang, for first period, I went up to them.

"Do you guys still want me to help, or do you want someone else to help you to your classes?" I said, hoping that they would say they wanted someone else to help. I really didn't want to take them everywhere.

"I want you to help, but what do you guys want to do?" he asked his buddies.

They said they wanted to go with him. Ugh, I don't want to!! I wanted to scream, but I'm not that mean of a person. I walked out of the classroom and into the hallway; I went to my locker and got my stuff. The class was all the way on the other side of the building. I noticed that people were watching us, again. It's like they have nothing better to do than watch the emo nerd and the 3 gorgeous new guys.

"Hey Alex? Can we play 20 questions; you know to get to know you better?" I hear Alec, from behind me.

Yeah right, no one will ever be able to understand me, I scoffed. And an idea popped into my head so I used it.

"Sure, but you have to distinguish between fact and fiction." I replied, because I knew that it would be hard for him. He only knew my name and that I liked rain, if he was paying attention, which I doubt.

"Ok, how old are you?" he started off with a simple question but I wasn't pulling my walls down. I won't ever pull my walls down. No one can ever hurt me. Ever.

"17. You." I said, pretending to be interested.

"You look older, but I trust you, so I'll believe you there. I'm 18 actually." he replied.

Yah, of course I look older because I skipped the adolescent stage and went to adulthood, as my mom says. I scoffed again. He trusts me, but I won't ever trust him.

"What about you guys? How old are you?" I asked, noticing that Brendon and Oscar didn't say anything in this conversation, or at all.

"We're 18 too. Can I ask you a question?" he asked. Now I was curious, because the quiet people are the most observing. I want to know what he observed.

"Why are your wrists slit?"

And just like that my little amusement turned into a horror. My eyes widened, in shock and surprise. How did he know see that?!

"Alex-" Alec started, but I turned away.

I did the one thing that I'm good at, run. I ran so hard and so fast, that you couldn't even see me. I always wanted to join track but I don't want to run with other people and I don't last long. I can run fast but only for a short period of time. So as soon as I was out of school, I went straight into the woods, which were right next to our school. No one was allowed in there unless your with an adult but I couldn't care less, right now. I as soon as I got into the woods I knew where I was, and I knew where I wanted to go. I had been here before; I usually go after school when no one is near the school, because I don't want anyone to see me. I head straight to the waterfall, my hiding place, my secret place, no one knows that this waterfall is here, and I intend to keep it that way. At the waterfall there is a bolder, a big bolder, big enough to fit two very big buff guys, so I sit on it and watch the water fall, hence the name, I guess, and pull out my IPhone and start listening to music. I love nature, it's so calming. Then I remember why I was here, they figured out I was emo. I mean people at my school thought I was emo but no one had proof, if they see my wrists cut then they will definitely tell and my parents will know and I'll get some therapy or something. I don't want that!! That's why I stopped! What am I going to do now?!

Well I know one thing I have to go back to class, I'll figure out an excuse, Ms. Liz, the biology teacher, was a very nice teacher, she cared for us like her kids, since she doesn't have any. I hurried back out of the forest and into class again. As soon as I entered, all eyes were on me. Ugh, I hate attention!

"Alex, why are you late?" Ms. Liz asked.

"Sorry, I wasn't feeling well, sorry" I said, wondering if she'd let me off the hook.

"Oh! Are you ok now, do you need to go to the office?" she worried, just like a mother over her child.

"No, I'm ok now," I answered, politely, because I really wanted to go home, but no one was there and I didn't have a way to get there.

I say down at my seat, noticing the guys were nowhere near my seat, just like the last two classes. Yes! Hopefully it will stay that way, I'll just guide them for today and then they will stick with the popular people and I'll never have to talk to them again. Or so I thought.


So?! Was THAT good?! Bad?! Horrible?!

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