My Life, My Secrets, My Story Part 41

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Part 41

I know you guys asked if I could upload more yesterday but I just got the comments today! I was out all night, with my family, having fun!

I get the comments and votes I ask for today then I'll upload twice, ok? Sound good?

Sleepover!!!! This is gonna have Alex and Alec's views! YAY!!!!!


Alex's POV

After we changed into out pjs we just talked. About anything as everything we did after the friday we had dinner, which shockingly was only 2 weeks ago!! It feels like a year! They told me what they did, and I told them.

"Did I tell you, Danny cheated on me!" Bells cried.

I was shocked, Bells and Danny has been going out for 4 years. Why would Danny want to cheat on her?! That idiot! He's a fool if he thinks he can hurt her and not have to deal with me!

"What happened and with who?" I asked, for details.

"He had been asking me if I wanted to take our relationship to the next level sex and I said I wasn't ready, a week later I was going to his house, after his soccer practice, and I saw him in bed with Amber!!!" She cried.

I pulled her in as she cried. She started sobbing and wailing while me and Olive tried to comfort her. It wasn't working. The door opened to my room, and the guys were standing there, alert, ready, in fighting stance, and in there boxers only.

"What happened? We heard crying." Alec said, still on fighting stance along with Brendan and Oscar.

They saw the scene, Bells crying, in my arms, as Olive awkwardly patted her back. They go out of fight stance and Brendan was the first one to rush over. Weird, I thought.

"What's wrong? Why's she crying? Is she hurt?" Brendan asked, frantically.

"Her boyfriend cheated on her, that's why she's crying, and no she's not hurt, physically anyway. Calm down." I told Brendan.

He relaxed, slightly, and pulled her out of my arms, and into his. Again, very weird. He held her as if he was trying to soothe and protect her. Like they were mates!!

"Oh! You guys are mates!!!" I yelled getting it, now.

"Yep, I just figured it out. Your fast Alex!" Brendan said, still holding a crying Bells, in his arms.

"It's a gift." I say, jokingly.

"Bells there's no use crying over the guy. One, he's not your mate, Brendan is. Two, he cheated on you with the school slut, Amber. Three, he only wanted you for sex. A guy like that really isn't worth it." I tell her.

"Alex! Why are you so direct, all the time!" Olive yelled at me.

"What! It's true!" I defended myself.

"No, she's right. Thanks, since I'm so twisted, I need someone like Alex to put things straight." Bells said, sniffling and wiping her tears away.

"I bet you 10$ right now, that Olive and Oscar are mates, too." I say, out loud.

They looked shocked as if they hadn't even thought of that. What?! It's so easy to see!! It's like we were all meant to pair up!! No one saw the name?! Alex, Alec, Brendan, Bells, Olive, Oscar!!!! Hello!!

"What?! You guys don't see the names?! A, A, B, B, O, O!!!! Not to mention the personalities. Oscar and Olive both are quiet and silent types, Brendan and Bells both are quirky, and quite frankly, weird. Me and Alec don't exactly mix but that's not the point." I say, trying to get them to see.

My Life, My Secrets, My Story (THE LIFEST SERIES BOOK 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant