My Life, My Secrets, My Story Part 82

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Part 82

LISTEN TO THE SONG ON THE SIDE!!!!!! Normally I don't do stuff like that, but this song really matches this chapter so I put it up. 

Alec’s POV

She said yes!!!! She actually said yes!! She doesn’t know how happy she’s made me. I’m probably the happiest man in the world today. We walked back to the pack house, hand in hand, happily. As we reached the house, I could feel her nervous tension. I squeezed her hand, reassuring her. Nothing would hurt her. I wouldn’t let anyone lay a hand on her, with the intent to hurt.

As we opened the door, the whole pack came running to us, asking how it went. We made our way to the stage, quickly before silencing the pack. I looked at everyone’s faces, in a 6 month period our pack had tripled in size, because of Alex and Alex alone.

“I’m sure you are all very eager to know what she said, so I won’t saying anything, but rather show you what she said.” I told them.

I lifted Alex’s right ring finger hand and when everyone saw it, they all yelled in happiness. The whole pack house burst out in excitement and happiness. Alex and I laughed at the excitement of our pack.

“Who did you ask for our blessing? I mean you couldn’t have asked Jason or Jessie for my hand in marriage, could you?” I heard Alex asked over the shouts of our pack.

“I asked all of your friends and family, Bells, Olive, Josh, Andrew, Carrie, Stephanie, John, and even Suzy and Sam.” I told her truthfully.

She smiled at that, that her whole family would agree to let me marry her. When we got off of the stage and the whole pack swarmed us, asking to see the ring and questioning us about the wedding. We got separated, because the guys were coming up to me and the girls were all over Alex. We answered the questions as best as we could and then finally when everyone was satisfied they all went back to their duties and such, leaving only family and close friends.

“My hand hurts, it’s been pulled in too many directions.” Alex complained.

I smiled at that and kissed her cheek at that. Everyone, and I mean everyone, wanted to see Alex’s ring, they all crowded around her and asked to see it. She was having a hard time keeping everyone at bay.

“It’s a very lovely ring, Alec. You never showed it to us.” Brendan indirectly asked.

“I didn’t want other people to see Alex’s ring before her. It just didn’t seem right.” Was my reply.

“I’m planning the wedding!” Mom shouted.

That got everyone laughing. Carrie, Stephanie, Bells and Olive disagreed and got into an argument. This was going to be one long wedding.

“Hey hey, all of you guys have your own opinion on what we should do for the wedding, but it’s got to go through us first, before anyone does anything. Alex and I will approve or disapprove any and every idea, got it?” I told everyone.

I wasn’t going to have someone else do Alex and I’s wedding the way they wanted. Alex and I were going to have our wedding, our way. We already had our date planned though. I was going to wait until we graduated, on Alex’s birthday, her next birthday. We had plenty of time to do what we wanted first.

“This story didn’t seem like it would have a happy ending. I guess I was wrong.” Oscar pointed out.

It was true, from the beginning we had many problems and many struggles, but in the end, everything turned out for the better. I didn’t think we would be so happy in the end, no one did. It just goes to show you, you can’t predict the future. Only fate has the plan for everyone and only fate knows what’s in store for you.


YES THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL BUT AFTER I'M DONE EDITING THIS. In the mean time, check out ALWAYS ALONE, my new story. It'll keep you satified until I start writing the sequel. 


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