My Life, My Secrets, My Story Part 35

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Part 35

Ok. I'm kind of winging it on this chapter so, bare with me here, ok? If you don't like it tell me.

I don't know where I'm going with this so tell me if you think it's bad.


Alex's POV

"Ok. There might be a solution, if not then... I'll tell you later."

Claire got these pills for me, and also got a glass of water.

"Your not allergic to any type of medicine or a specific chemical, are you?" She asked.

"Nope, as far as I know, anyway." I told her, honestly.

She gave me the pills and I swallowed them, while downing water too. They started explaining.

"This might get the feeling back in your feet, but it'll take at least an hour to start working. Wait and if it doesn't work, we'll explain." Rob started.

"Please work pills." Claire said, under her breath.

If I wasn't a werewolf, I wouldn't have heard that, but I am a werewolf and I did hear that.

Please work, I begged with Claire. I didn't need another problem. I already had way too much on my plate than I could handle.

(one hour later)

I started by putting my feet on the ground, still sitting on the bed. Alec was on one side, of me and Oscar was on the other side, of me, Brendan was a few feet in front of me. Both Oscar and Alec were holding my hand. They had been informed of what had occurred an hour ago, Rob and Claire informed them.

I stood up, on my two feet and they all cheered. I took a step, stumbling slightly, but Alec and Oscar held me up. I took some more steps, feeling like a baby that's walking for the first time. I finally reached Brendan without anymore mishaps and everyone cheered.

Yes! I could walk! That was one obstacle we could avoid. Thank you! I feel like a giant weight has been lifted off my shoulder.

After all of that, I went to take a shower, having not bathed in a week. The warm water, soothed my tense muscles, it felt really relaxing.

When I got out, I changed into a black t-shirt with a blood red rose and some dark green vines around it, and some jeans. I'm not really a skinny jeans kind of person. It's just not me or my style, I guess.

When I got out of the bathroom, Alec was sitting on my bed, in deep thought. He looked like he was thinking really hard about something. I wonder what wrong. I sat down on the bed, and touched his cheek.

"What's wrong, Alec?" I asked, sweetly.

He snapped out of his thoughts and leaned into my hand. He seemed to enjoy my touch, it was calming to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and I leaned my head on his shoulder. I liked this position.

"Nothing. I'm ok. I was just checking on you, if you were ok." he said, pulling me closer.

"I'm fine. It's ok, nothing's gonna happen now. Am I going to school tomorrow?" I wondered out loud.

"Yah, you missed a lot. Brendan and Oscar have helped me keep up, but you were in a coma so your gonna have to work real hard." he said, snickering.

I playfully punched his shoulder and groaned. I was gonna get heck when I came back to school. Ugh.

"Um, Alex? I was wondering if you, maybe, wanted to go out with me, Wednesday. If you want to." Alec struggled to get out.

Did he just ask if he wanted to go on a date with me?! I've never had a guy ask me that, well I did, but they were only teasing me. Plus that was in middle school.

My Life, My Secrets, My Story (THE LIFEST SERIES BOOK 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant