Chapter One - Game On

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Lisa sat on her brother's sofa, chilling with him and his friends. She surfs the internet, searching for some furniture pieces to go into her new house while they sat at the poker table playing cards. 

Lalisa or Lisa loves her brother and his family, but she's happy that she now has the keys to her new place, which means she would no longer be his housemate or sometimes roommate. 

It was hard work going from a condo in downtown Las Vegas to staying with her brother Bambam, his wife Rosé and kids in the Colorado suburbs. 

Of course, she could've stayed with their parents, but that was the last thing she wanted. Indeed, she's an adult, but their parents still had strict rules.

Releasing an audible breath, she closed her laptop as she concluded her online shopping for the day. As the sole possessor of a flourishing home building company, Lisa is far from being broke, but sometimes she got carried away with online shopping.

With her laptop closed, she tuned back into the real world, paying attention to her surroundings, which comprised her brother Bambam and his friends who were in a deep conversation.

"So, she called off the wedding the day before it, and she hasn't talked to you since? Hasn't it been a full month?" Bambam asked his friend Kai.

"Yes, and I would feel bad, but I'm not the only one she's done this too. I'm the third. I'm just glad she gave me a heads up before the wedding, which she hadn't done to the previous ones." Kai admitted.

"So, that means something, doesn't it? If she didn't want to embarrass you as she had done with the others, I believe that means she has some feelings for you that she didn't have with them. Am I right?" Mino, Bambam's another friend added.

All the others agreed, cheering Kai on as they encourage him to 'fight for what was his'.

"You need to put on your big boy pants. See she's the type of woman who needs to be told what to do!" Mino added, slapping Kai's hand as he agreed.

Lisa couldn't help but shake her head at the pitiful scene before her. It was ridiculous! Fight for what was his? A woman who needs to be told what to do?! Men were constantly gassing up their friends in the direst ways. "Ugh, where was the 'give her space' advice or 'show her how much you truly care'?", she hissed.

Lisa joined them at the table, prepared to combat the awful advice Kai was taking in with some advice much more logical. "Who is this fiancée of yours... well, former fiancée?"

"Jennie. You remember her? She was your best friend at one point. You were close before she left school." Bambam answered.

"Oh!" Lisa frowned. "Jennie? As in Jennie Kim?" Lisa spoke softly, as memories of the lovely brunette floods her mind.

"Yeah. She's fine now unlike in high school. She's everything and more. She's a real estate agent." Kai showed Lisa Jen's business card, which displayed a picture of her on it.

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