Part 1~Fire Nation Ship

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Isu sat down, sitting next to Katara alone. "Why are we on a Fire Nation ship? Why is everyone dressed this way? And why am I the only one who's completely out of it?"

"You need to take it easy, okay? You got hurt pretty bad," Katara smiled, sitting closer and wrapping an arm around Isu's shoulders. "I like your hair."

Isu blinked in surprise before she looked down, running her fingers through the longer strands. "It'll get in the way. How long was I out?"

"A few weeks."

"Everything okay?" Hakoda paused, walking inside as Katara huffed, looking away in an annoyed tone.

"We're fine, Dad."

"I was actually directing that to Isu. Got to make sure you're not annoying her."

Isu snorted as Katara huffed again. Isu let out a gasp of pain, cutting off her laughter.

Katara turned sharply, helping to hold Isu. "Maybe we should go upstairs. You need a healing session."

Katara helped Isu up as she smiled weakly. "Thank you."


"Tell me where the pain feels most intense." Katara glanced across Isu's scar as she gritted her teeth.

"A little higher."

The glowing water lifted on Isu's back when she let out a pained gasp, her mind flying back to the battle against Azula. She panted, her breath evening out. "Wow, you're definitely in the right area there."

Katara bent the water from Isu's scar when she jerked backwards, her mind flashing back to the back. It shifted to Katara watching over her as they fled before she got to return.

"I can feel a lot of energy twisted up around there. Let me just see if I can-" Katara moved the water down as Isu jerked again, seeing the images once more.

Isu pulled away, gasping as she focused on her breathing. "I died, didn't I? I didn't just get hurt. It was worse than that. I was gone. But you brought me back."

"I just used the spirit water from the North Pole. I don't know what I did exactly."

Isu turned a soft smile on her face. "You saved me."

"You need to rest." She held Isu as she leaned against her shoulder.


Sokka sat around a crate displaying the map with the others. "After what happened at Ba Sing Se, we had to get you to safety. We flew back to Chameleon Bay, where we found my father and the other Water Tribe men. The Earth King decided he wanted to travel the world in disguise, so he set off alone. Well, not completely alone. He had Bosco. Soon, the bay was overrun by Fire Nation ships. Rather than fight them all, we captured a single ship and made it our disguise. Since then, we've been travelling west. We crossed through the Serpent's Pass a few days ago. We've seen a few Fire Nation ships, but none have bothered us."

Isu hummed. "So what now?"

"We've been working on a modified version of the invasion plan." Katara smiled almost proudly when her father spoke up.

"Yes, Sokka's plan. We won't be able to mount a massive invasion without the Earth King's armies, but the solar eclipse will still leave the Fire Nation vulnerable."

"So we're planning a smaller invasion. Just a ragtag team of our friends and allies from around the Earth Kingdom. We already ran into Pipsqueak and The Duke," Sokka added as Pipsqueak nodded.

"Good to see you again, Aang!"

Isu took a breath. "Tell me what I should do."


Zuko sighed, leaning against Hachi's side. Another ship had approached, and after fighting to keep Isu from going out and sinking the ship, they were all hiding in the hole together.

"I hate not being able to do anything." Isu crossed her arms as Toph glanced up.

"Hopefully, you won't need to."

Hachi leaned closer as they waited, hearing the voices muffled by the walls.


"Actually, we're from the Eastern Fleet. We have orders to deliver some cargo," Hakoda stated as the Navy officer scoffed.

"Eastern Fleet. Well, nice of Admiral Chan to let us know he was sending one of his ships our way."

"I'm sure Admiral Chan meant no disrespect, sir."

"I mean, how hard is it to write a quick note and send a hawk our way?"

"Next time, we'll send two hawks to make sure you get the message."

The two bow to each other as Hakoda and Bato step back.

The guard frowned, walking closer to the officer. "Sir, Admiral Chan has been on leave for two months at Ember Island."

"What? Why doesn't anyone ever tell me anything? Something's not right: they should have known that. I think this is a captured ship." The officer began to whisper. "Just stay quiet until we're safely across the ramp. Then we'll sink this ship."

Toph emerged. "They know!"

Toph metal bent the bridge off, causing the captain and his guards to fall into the water. Katara moved next, creating a large wave separating the two ships. They shot the ship off as the guards climbed back aboard their ship.

"I'm guessing that's not good," Isu muttered as Toph took an Earthbending stance.

"Load the Toph."

Pipsqueak dropped a boulder in front of Topher as she threw it at the ship, hitting a catapult as another fired. Hachi moved, catching the fireball and throwing it overboard.

Toph threw another piece of rock, intercepting the oncoming fireball.

Isu glanced around the hole, giving Zuko a confused look. "Aren't you going out there?"

"Too risky," Sokka announced. "It's better this ship isn't labelled the one with the avatar on."

Zuko whimpered, leaning in on himself. Isu chuckled, sitting next to Zuko. "Everyone will be okay."

"I'm surprised you're still here."

"Oh, yeah. This is killing me."


"I'm going to give us some cover." Katara raised the water, creating a fog screen; however, a fireball shot through it, destroying the rocks Toph had been using.

Another cursed down as Katara covered them in water, extinguishing the flames.

"How are we doing?" Toph glanced around as Sokka shrugged.

"Things couldn't get much worse." A serpent rose from the water near the ship as Sokka turned slowly. "The universe just loves proving me wrong, doesn't it?"

"You make it too easy."

The serpent roared as it was hit by another fireball. It turned, wrapping around the ship as Sokka cheered. "Thank you, the universe!"

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