Part 15~Roku's Mistake

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Zuko frowned as they flew through the air. "Why are we going to the Southern Air Temple?"

"It was the first stop on my Avatar journey," Roku explained as Himari tutted.

"Boring. My first step was prison. That's a much more interesting story."

Zuko titled his head. "You were in prison?"

"Well, yeah. My parents were rebels, so we all got arrested and thrown in jail."

"How old were you?"

Himari shrugged. "How old am I?"

"I believe we are getting off track," Roku claimed as Himari huffed.

"This tail is boring."

"That's because we haven't got to the best part yet." Himari hummed, settling down as Roku gave Zuko a look before he continued.


"Hey Gyatso, you wanna see a new glider trick?" Roku and Gyatso glided through the air as Roku tilted his glide, completing two loops easily.

Gyatso laughed. "Check this out!" Gyatso flipped himself over, standing on top of his glider. He surfed through the air when he lost his balance, falling off his glider.

Roku slid below him, catching him but losing control of his own glider and crashing into the ground.

There was a pause before the two sat up, looking at the chaos they had spread. They grinned, laughing as Roku patted Gyatso's shoulder.


"He air surfed? I cannot tell Isu about this. She would have a field day." Zuko stared off in panic as Roku chuckled.

"Monk Gyatso and I were good friends. It is a shame none of the other avatars got to meet him."

Fang flew on, the air around them changing as they flew toward the Northern Water Tribe. "After my years of mastering airbending, I travelled to the Northern Water Tribe. Waterbending was especially challenging for me, but in time, I mastered it as well."

Zuko could see the young Roku bending an enormous wave of water directly at his master, throwing the man back and into the building behind them.

"I moved to the Earth Kingdom. My earthbending master, Sud, was uncompromising, stubborn, and blunt—and a lifelong friend."

Young Roku bent the earth beneath him, riding up the side of a mountain. His master chased after him, each pushing themselves faster and faster. Sud slid past the finish, bringing his bending to a stop as he cheered. Well, until he spotted Roku in front of him, pouring him a cup of tea. He admitted defeat, joining Roku and drinking his tea.

"It was bitter work, but the results were worth it."


Roku walked down the long room, approaching the throne. "Sozin! Or should I say, Fire Lord?" Roku grinned as Sozin looked at him.

"Customarily, my subjects bow before greeting me." He stepped down from his throne. "But you're the exception." He smiled, bringing Roku into a hug.


"After all these years, he was still my best friend," Roku announced. "And a few months later, he was my best man." Roku smiled as Zuko watched.

"I thought that girl didn't even know you were alive."

"Ta Min. I was persistent. When love is real, it finds a way. And being the Avatar doesn't hurt your chance with the ladies, either."

"Being gay does."


Roku and Ta Min spoke to the guests, thanking them for coming as Sozin snuck up on them. "Excuse me. May I borrow him for a moment."

"It's not very traditional, but okay," Ta Min reluctantly accepted as Roku and Sozin walked off.

"What's on your mind?" Roku glanced at Sozin in concern as Sozzin raised his fist.

"I've been thinking hard about the state of the world lately."

"Sozin, it is my wedding. Have a cookie, dance with someone, lighten up."

"I know. I know, but just hear me out. Right from the start, I was destined to be Fire Lord. And although we didn't always know it, you were destined to be the Avatar. It's an amazing stroke of fate we know each other so well, isn't it? Together, we could do anything."

"Yeah, we could."

"Our nation is enjoying an unprecedented time of peace and wealth. Our people are happy, and we're so fortunate in so many ways."

"Where are you going with this?"

"I've been thinking we should share this prosperity with the rest of the world. In our hands is the most successful empire in history. It's time we expanded it."

"No! The four nations are meant to be just that, four."

"Roku, you haven't even stopped to consider the possibilities."

"There are no possibilities. This is the last I want to hear about this." Roku walked away, leaving Sozin alone on the balcony.


"That was my first real test as the Avatar. Unfortunately, it was many years before I learned that Sozin had gone ahead with his plan despite my warning.


Roku burst through the doors of the Fire Lord throne room, charging at Sozin. "I've seen the colonies, Sozin. How dare you occupy Earth Kingdom territory."

"How dare you, a citizen of the Fire Nation, address your Fire Lord this way. Your loyalty is to our nation first. Anything less makes you a traitor."

"Don't do this, Sozin. Don't challenge me. It will only end badly. It's over."

Roku turned, about to storm out, when Sozin jumped from his throne, releasing a powerful fire stream. When they died down, Roku was gone. Sozin stared in surprise, quickly scolding his emotions as he looked around.

Roku burst from the ground behind Sozin, blasting the Fire Lord with a shot of air. As Sozin fell down, Roku lifted him with a pillar of earth, pinning him to the ceiling. Roku held his hands in front of him, entering the Avatar State.

Roku broke the pillars of the throne room, bending the air and raising himself to Sozin. "I am sparing you, Sozin. I'm letting you go in the name of our past friendship. But I warn you. Even a single step out of line will result in your permanent end."

Sozin stared at Roku, anger clouding his eyes, when he dropped his head, bowing in defeat. Roku turned, leaving Sozin behind.

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