Part 3~Disguises

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"I think I see a cave below." Hachi's comment would be innocent if the group wasn't currently barely hidden by a cloud.

"Shh. Keep quiet," Sokka hissed as the bison flew closer to the island. Sokka jumped from Pickle's back, crossing his arms and turning to the avatar. "Great job with the cloud camo, but next time, let's disguise ourselves as the kind of cloud that knows how to keep its mouth shut."

Toph climbed off Corno, huffing as she looked in Sokka's general direction. "Yeah, we wouldn't want a bird to hear us chatting up there and turn us in."

"Hey, we're in enemy territory. Those are enemy birds."

Isu raised her eyebrow as she hopped off her bison, watching a puffin land on the ground while Sokka stared at it. "Sokka. It's a puffin." Sokka gave her a look as she blinked. "What? It is."

"Well, this is it. This is how we'll be living until the invasion begins. Hiding in cave after cave after cave after cave-"

"We get it," Hachi interrupted as Katara held up a hand.

"Sokka, we don't need to become cave people. What we need is some new clothes."

"Yes!" Isu clapped her hands together as Katara gave her a weird look. "What? Blending in is better than hiding any day."

"You just want to wear a disguise, don't you?" Hachi smiled as Isu hummed.

"Nope. This is totally for the group. If we get some Fire Nation disguises, we would be just as safe- no safer than hiding in a cave."

"Plus, they have real food out there," Toph interrupted. "Does anyone want to sit in the dirt and eat cave hoppers?"

Sokka sighed. "Looks like we got outvoted. Let's get some new clothes."

Zuko blinked. "Who was on his side?"


Hachi shuffled, looking at the clothesline. "I don't know about this. These clothes belong to somebody."

"Hachi, when did you develop a conscience?" Isu grinned as she looked across the clothesline. "I call that one."

"I got the silk robe," Katara added as she rushed out from behind the rock and grabbed her clothes.

"Come on," Zuko gave Hachi a smile. "I'll leave some money behind. It's not like we will be using earth kingdom money again."

"How does that help? They won't use it either." Zuko rushed off as Hachi sighed. Iroh placed a hand on his shoulder, giving him a supportive smile. "Fine."


Isu huffed as she hid her arrow behind the bandana. "There, a normal girl."

"You're not normal," Katara joked as Isu rolled her eyes.

"And you look stunning- see how normal people compliment each other."

"You're still not normal."

Isu rolled her eyes before her attention was caught on Katara's necklace. "Katara, your mom's necklace."

Katara's face fell as she touched the necklace. "Oh, yeah, I guess it's pretty obviously Water Tribe, isn't it?" Katara hid it away as Isu walked closer, holding a fire necklace. Katara smiled as she wrapped it around her neck. "Thank you."

"No problem."

"You look good too."

Isu blinked a light blush on her cheeks. "Huh."


Hachi gulped, pulling at the shirt he was wearing. "Why is this so uncomfortable?"

"It would help if you wore it the right way," Zuko joked, walking closer. "Let me help you."

Zuko moved the cloth around Hachi as the boy blushed brightly, his mind racing with every finger brush.

"There, better." Zuko stepped back as he admired Hachi. "Beautiful."

"Yeah, it's a nice shirt."

"I wasn't talking about the shirt." Zuko stole a kiss as Hachi blushed more.

"Hey, love birds, let's get a move on," Sokka shouted as Hachi died inside.


Isu stuck out her tongue as she looked at the restaurant. "We're going to a meat place?"

"Come on, Isu, everyone here eats meat. Even the meat," Sokka pointed across the area to a hippo cow eating a piece of meat swarming with flies.

Isu lurched back. "You guys go ahead. I'll just get some lettuce out of the garbage."

There was an uncertain pause as the others started to turn.

"I'll join you." Hachi smiled softly as Isu grinned.

"Oh, going back to the family ways?"

"No, the family way would involve throwing you off a cliff."

Isu opened and closed her mouth. "Touche. Come on, I saw a vegetable patch a while back."

Zuko and Katara shared a proud look as they watched Isu and Hachi walk off.

Isu bounced up and down, talking to Hachi about properly cooking leaks. He stopped paying attention ten minutes ago.

"It's over. We caught you."

Isu and Hachi stopped as three soldiers surrounded them. Hachi squeaked. "Who, me?"

Isu rolled her eyes, pushing herself forward. "Ignore him. Is there something wrong, mister?"

"It couldn't be more obvious that you don't belong here." The officer looked between the two as Hachi began to sweat. "Next time you play hooky, you might wanna take off your school uniform."

Hachi glanced down at his uniform but couldn't speak before he was grabbed. Isu responded a bit quicker. "I told you you should change. Idiot. Now we have to go to school." Isu winked at Hachi as he let out a breath, smiling until they were separated. "Wait, where are you taking my brother."

The guards gave them a strange look. "You're in different years. You'll be in different classrooms."

Isu gasped. "Oh, that makes sense. At the colony, everyone was just taught by this one old dude who would throw fireballs at us." The guard rolled his eyes before dragging Isu away from Hachi. "Hey, see you after school. Don't make enemies."

Hachi gulped as he was pushed into the classroom.

"Oh, is this a new mind ready for moulding?" Ms Dain glanced at Hachi as he stepped back in fear. "Wait a minute, you're not from the Fire Nation." She circled Hachi as he slinked in on himself. "Clearly, you're from the colonies."

"Yes. Yeah, that's right. The colonies. The Fire Nation colonies in the Earth Kingdom."

The guards walked away as Ms Dain glanced over Hachi. "Your etiquette is terrible. In the homeland, we bow to our elders. Like so." She demonstrated as Hachi gulped.

"Sorry, ma'am." He bowed back to her when she tapped his hand, correcting him already. "What is your name? Or should we just call you 'Mannerless Colony Slob'?"

Hachi chuckled nervously. "Just 'Slob' is fine. Or," his mind scrambled, listing every fire nation name he knew. "Kuzon."

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