Part 6~The Dance

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Iroh, Isu and Hachi returned to the cave where Zuko, Toph, Katara and Sokka sat around a stewing pot.

"How did it go?" Zuko glanced between the siblings as Hachi shrugged.

"I've yet to drop out of another school. I know that's not what you wanted to hear, but it's nice for my self-esteem." Hachi took a seat next to Zuko as he smiled, linking their hands.

"Listen, I don't think it's wise for you to go to school anymore," Katara tried as Isu sighed.

"I know, but," she drifted off, unable to form her thoughts properly. "I'm not ready to leave school."

"Isu, this is getting too risky," Sokka reasoned as Iroh placed a hand on Isu's shoulders.

"They're right. If you slip up again, it won't just be expulsion."

That caught Zuko's attention, and his head shot up. "What?"

Hachi fidgeted, playing with Zuko's hand. "Apparently, the fire nation doesn't like misbehaving children. If we cause any more trouble, we'll be sent to the coal mines."

Zuko squeaked. "What? That can't," he went quiet. No, that was well within the Fire Nation memo. "You can't go back."

"Listen, guys, those kids at school are the future of the Fire Nation. If we want to change this place for the better, we need to show them a little taste of freedom," Hachi pleaded as Isu grinned, nodding at him.

Zuko grew conflicted as Sokka grumbled. "What could you possibly do for a country of depraved little fire monsters?"

Zuko shot a look as Isu grinned. "I'm going to throw them a secret dance party!" The cave went silent until Toph started laughing. Isu huffed, crossing her arms. "You can't stop me. So either help me or be prepared to lose the fight."


"I can't believe we're having a dance party. It seems so silly," Sokka complained, putting the candles down as Toph Earthbent a stage.

"Don't think of it as a dance party but as a cultural event celebrating the art of fancy footwork," Isu sang as Sokka gave her a look.

Before anyone else could question her, Hachi grabbed her, pulling her to the side. "Are you sure about this?"

"Do you doubt me?"

"All the time."

Isu gave Hachi a disapproving look. "Well, that's why I had friends and you didn't." It was Hachi's turn to look offended. People began entering the cave as Isu smiled. "Now, if that's settled, we have guests."

"Wait," Hachi grabbed Isu's arm, stopping her from walking about. "How could you say all that stuff?"

Isu gave him a confused look. "Because you didn't have friends."

Hachi was not impressed. "Not that. The stuff about fighting for the Fire Lord. You spoke as if you believed it."

Isu laughed. "What are you talking about? I do believe it. We all fight for the glory of our Fire Lord. You especially."

Hachi blinked, looking at Isu in horror as she freed her arm. Hachi stared at her as she passed Zuko, whispering something in his ear.

"Are you okay? Isu told me to remind you I'm a prince."

And then it clicked. "She was talking about you! Oh, I thought she was edging on being a traitor."



"Ladies and gentlemen," Isu jumped onto the stage, surrounded by various kids playing different instruments, "the band of.... I have no idea where we are, so let's go with.... Sirius!"

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