Part 5~Trouble Makers

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Hachi frowned as he glanced at the other students. He had no idea what he was holding, but he guessed it was something musical. He would not find out, though- a few too many times has he found out the 'musical instrument' was actually a weapon and poisonous.

Instead, he tapped his foot in time with the music, lightly dancing to the tune.

"Kuzon?" The teacher glared at Hachi as he winced.

"Sorry, I've just never played this before. I don't know what I'm doing."

"No, child. That hullabaloo going on with your feet. Is that a nervous disorder?"

"I was just dancing. You do dances here in the homeland, right?" Hachi glanced at the other students as Yirai shook his head.


"Dancing is not conducive to a proper learning environment. Young people must have rigid discipline and order," the teacher held his head higher as Hachi muttered.

"But what about expressing yourself?"

"I know sometimes we're so ruled by our love for our nation that we can't control our own bodies. If you must, you may march in place quietly next time the urge hits you."

Hachi crossed his arms, huffing as he glared at the instrument. He still had no idea how to play it.


Isu groaned as she walked out of the class. "I hate that teacher."

On Jin laughed, standing next to her. "I would keep that to yourself. I don't think you want to be in any more trouble than you already are."

Isu snorted. "Seriously? I live for trouble." She paused, hearing a commotion going on outside.

"Does your brother live for trouble, too?"

Isu tutted, cursing under her breath as she rushed outside. Hachi was on the ground, Rekaim standing over him.

"Hachi! Leave my brother alone." Isu jumped over the students blocking her path, grabbing Rekaim and throwing him over her shoulder. Isu turned, helping Hachi sit up. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Dick just hates my dance moves."

"Why were you dancing in a fight? Get dirty, throw mud in his eyes at least."

Hachi paused, many thoughts going through his head on how to correct Isu's assumptions. In the end, he settled on: "No."

Hachi gave Isu a look as Rekaim stood up, growling and glaring at the siblings. "Guess you really are gay if you need your little sister to come and save you."

Isu blinked. "Hachi's inability to fight has nothing to do with his boyfriend. He would be useless without being gay."

"Thank you, Isu," Hachi grumbled as Isu grinned.

"Besides, what you got against gay people. A lesbian just kicked your ass."

Rekaim glared at Isu. "Must run in the family."

"What? Being able to kick your ass."

Rekaim snapped, charging at Isu as she slid under his fist, tripping his foot and sending him back to the ground.

"Come on, you're spending more of this fight on the floor than facing me. Wouldn't want a little girl to beat you... well, any more than I have already."

Rekaim began swinging wildly as the crowd stared in shock. Isu smirked, ducking out of the way of his last punch as he struck back, breaking Rekaim's nose.

Rekaim fell to the floor, blood pooling around him. "Listen, that's my brother, and if you mess with him, you mess with me. He may not use his strength, but I have no qualms about using mine." Isu began walking past Rekaim when the Headmaster appeared before her. "Ah, shit."

"Picking fights on your second day? You broke his nose!" The Headmaster glared down at Isu as she stepped back.

"He started the fight."

"I don't care! We need to have a conference to discuss your punishment. Bring your parents to my office after school."

"Parents? But-" She couldn't finish when the Headmaster snapped.

"Don't be late." The Headmaster stormed off as Rekaim smirked through his blood, his friends taking him to the nurse.

"This school sucks." Isu crossed her arms as Hachi stood with the help of his new friend.

"Did you have to break his nose?"

"How was I to know his nose was so weak?"

"What are we going to do?"

Isu hummed before a grin crossed her face. "Time to get Grandpa Mushi."

"Oh no. We're getting expelled."


Zuko worried over Hachi, concern over every inch of his face.

"I'm fine, Zuko. Seriously, the guy had such weak punches anyway."

Zuko did not look convinced. "I wish you stopped going there. I don't want you in danger."

"If I was in serious danger, I would use my airbending and get out." Hachi chuckled, taking Zuko's hands and rubbing them. "I promise you, I won't do anything dangerous."

Zuko sighed, giving in as he leaned against Hachi. "I want to help you."

"I know, but if Isu and I risk getting caught, you're definitely going to be." Hachi paused. "I want to help these children."


"It's just that school. It reminds me of the one we have a home. No expression, no learning the wrong stuff. You're not even allowed to question the teachers. It reminds me of him."

Zuko paused before he let out a groan. "How can I fight that? Just stay safe."

"Always." Hachi leaned in, stealing a kiss.

"Hey, love birds, we got to go." Isu placed a hand on her hip as Hachi and Zuko jumped apart. "Come on, brother, our chances to drop out of a second school await us."


"Thank you for coming, Mr Mushi?" The Headmaster glanced at Iroh as he smiled widely.

"Yes, it is an honour to meet you. I hear my grandchildren have been causing a bit of fuss."

"I bit would be an understatement. Your grandchildren have been enrolled here for two days, and they're already causing problems. He disrupted music class, she argued with her history teacher, and they both got in a fight and broke the nose of my star pupil."

"Rekaim?" Hachi gave the teacher a weird look as Isu jabbed his side.

Iroh hummed. "Oh dear, I do apologise. They've never done anything like this before."

"That's what any parent would say. I should expel them now. Not just for that but for failing to actually bring their parents in. Maybe they thought I would go easy in front of their grandfather, but I won't have it."

Isu had to hide her smile. The idiot headmaster had fallen right into her trap. "We could not bring our parents."

"And why is that?"

"They're dead."

The Headmaster startled, unable to answer before Isu continued.

"Our home was attacked by rebel Earthbenders. They destroyed our home. Our parents stayed behind, delaying their progress as we fled. They did not get off the island in time. That is why we came here; we were told we would be safe, but we don't want to be safe. We want to help fight for the glory of our Firelord." The words felt wrong in Isu's mouth.

"Sit down, Isu," Iroh asked quietly as she faked a huff and fell into her chair.

"I did not know this," the Headmaster muttered. "Very well, I'm willing to look past your current actions due to your circumstances. However, if either of you act up one more time, I'll have to send you to reform school." He stood up, giving them both a look. "By which I mean the coal mines. Are we clear?"

"Don't you worry sir. I'm sure they'll both behave perfectly from now on."

"That's what I like to hear."

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