Part 12~Master

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"So, how long do we let him do this?" Isu glanced at the others as they waited for Sokka's return.

"He's barely been gone ten minutes," Hachi retorted as Isu fell back dramatically.

"And I'm already bored. Why couldn't Zuko have taught him?"

Zuko blinked, looking at Isu. "I'm not good enough to teach him."

"I thought you enjoyed your sword things?"

"That doesn't mean I'm good at it."

Isu huffed, collapsing down and staring at the sky.

Katara sighed, laying back, too. "Sokka's been in charge of the schedule. I'm not sure what we should be doing."

"Plus, it's so hot today," Toph complained.

Iroh chuckled. "That's just the natural fire nation heat. You'll grow used to it."

"I'm not sure I will," Hachi complained as Isu snorted.

"You have to get used to it. The rest of us get to ditch the second the war is over, but you are stuck here with the prince."

Hachi blushed as Zuko coughed, jumping up. "I think I'll go for a walk." He rushed off as the group gave him a weird look.

Hachi glanced at Iroh. "Should you or I?"

"I've been looking after him for the last three years. You can have this one."

Hachi grumbled a little, pulling himself up and hurrying off after his boyfriend.


"Zuko? Are you okay?" Hachi managed to catch up, finding Zuko on the edge of the city. "What's wrong?"

Zuko paused, refusing to look at Hachi. "Can you tell me about your home?"

Hachi blinked, resisting the urge to say he had no home. "It's peaceful. Since it's so high up, it's always quiet, but it's boring. Nothing happens there, well, outside family arguments. Those were common."

Zuko laughed hollowly, leaning against Hachi.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't want to live here, but everyone seems to think that's my destiny."

"Your destiny is your destiny. No one can change it or control it. You get to decide it."

"I thought part of destiny is that you can't choose it?"

"Zuko, you're the Avatar. No one can control you." Hachi grinned, wrapping his arms around Zuko. "They'll support your decision, no matter what."

"I want to live on a boat. I've spent the last few years on a boat. It's weird to imagine actually living in a house that doesn't move."

"If it's not a warship, I think we can make that work. Would we travel down all the rivers?"

"And climb across the landscape to see landmarks."

Hachi chuckled. "Sounds like an adventure."

"It'll be nice."

Hachi hummed, playing with Zuko's hair.

"Can we bring the rabbits with us?"

"Once we get them back, they're never leaving our side."


"So where are we going next?" Katara rolled out the map of the Fire Nation. "We're starting from here," she drifted off as Isu blinked.

"No, I thought we were on this island."

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