Chapter 23 - Athena's P.O.V.

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This chapter contains explicit sexual content and may be distressing to some readers. If you don't feel comfortable reading smut, please skip this chapter.

„And what the hell did you tell our parents?"
Ares voice was a bit distorted through the phone speaker.

It was dark around me only a few street lamps lighting up Charles's drive way.
Charles himself was carrying our luggage up the driveway to the apartment complex he lived in, while I still stood next to his car, phone pressed to my ear.

We drove here for most of the day, the night slowly wrapping around the world.
I forgot that Ares had my location, so he saw that I was in Monaco right now.

„That I was doing a wellness weekend with Ella."

Ella was a childhood friend of mine from Switzerland. I already informed her, she would cover for me. I just didn't expect I needed Ares to lie for me too.

It was not like I was ashamed of dating Charles but I just didn't need my dad's opinion on it. Not yet.

Once I got into my teenage years he made a clear rule that the drivers were off-limits for me and vice-versa. Especially the drivers of rivalry teams. Ferrari, RedBull, McLaren. Dating one of them would be like stabbing my father in the back, apparently.

Shit, Papa wird so sauer sein, wenn er das rausfindet." Dad will be so mad when he finds out.

Ich weiss." I know. I sighted into the phone, massaging my forehead with the fingers of my free hand.
Silence on the other line.

„I'll make sure he won't though."
A smile formed on my lips. Ares was always the one having my back, helping me keep things from my parents or covering for me.

„Thank you, Ares." I thanked my twin brother.

"Always. You owe me though."

"Whatever you want."

I saw Charles walk back out to the car, hands empty. I guess that was my cue to hang up and get inside.

"Look I have to hang up. Thank you Ares." I said my goodbyes.

"Yeah, go have a sexy get away with your secret boyfriend I get it. Just: ohne Dings, kein Bumms." The last thing I heard was his stupid laughter before the line went dead.

My mouth fell open at my unhinged brother, telling me to wrap it before tapping it, just the german version.
I shook my head as I pushed my phone back into my back pocket and walked towards Charles.

"Everything okay?" He asked me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I leaned back a bit to properly look up into his face.

"Yeah, he'll keep his mouth shut."

My hands on his chest felt the soft fabric of his black hoodie, his eyes seeming almost black in the dark street.

"We'll then let's go inside. It's getting cold." Charles voice was low, little clouds forming with his words.

"Yeah." My voice was more air than sound, the world seeming to stop spinning in Charles's arms. My fingers twitched as I wanted to move them through his hair.

Remembering that I could, that we moved over boundaries like that, I did.
I felt his soft hair between my fingers, moving the strands back into place.
Charles smiled and pecked my lips. Just a tiny kiss but doing so, something as simple and already something so comfortable meant much more to me.
He slowly separated our bodies and started walking towards the building, my hand in his.


Charles walked into his apartment in front of me, unlocking the door and holding it open for me. I walked in after him and set my bag down on the floor.
I would travel back to England Monday evening, so that I had some days at home before leaving for the next race.

Keep the rain [CL16]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora