Chapter 11

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Isabelle Fernandina

"I'm glad that Arthur is back again in your life, willing to be a father to your son."

I smiled at Lander's remark. A smile that didn't even reach my ear. I don't know why I felt a sudden sadness after Lander said those words. "He wants to fill those years that he missed," I responded making Lander nod.

"That's better than to deny Ethan. It would be very painful not just on your part but also for the young man," he said.

"He would probably deny him if he did not investigate first," I seriously replied. A day after Arthur confronted me, he confessed that he had his own investigation. Even if I deny the truth that Ethan is his, he will still not believe me because of the evidences he has in hand. I wasn't even surprise at all since I know what he can do.

"Good for him to have everything he needs. I really hope that he'll choose what's best for his son," Lander said. I can sense a bit of sadness and dismay in his tone.

"Why do I feel like you're not happy about Arthur's appearance," I blurted out making Lander smile. A smile that didn't reach his ear. Behind those smile is a hidden sadness written and visible in his eyes.

I waited for his reply, not pulling my eyes from his. He then heaved a deep sigh before disconnecting our eyes. "I know that you have an idea on why I'm a little bit sad," he softly replied just enough for me to hear.
The warm atmosphere suddenly changes, despite the fact that there are lots of people around that can make it warm. We are currently at one of my favorite restaurants and the fact that this restaurant has lots of customer doesn't help me in my situation.

"Can you get straight to the point Lander," I said.

He stared at me intently before a small smile appeared on his lips. "You know how I feel about you."

I nodded in response, waiting for him to continue with whatever he has in mind. "Isabelle, for how many years, I've witness how you care and give your everything to your son. I've learned to love not just you but everything about you."

He stared at me intently before flashing a smile. "But I know that someone has your heart already. The father of your son. I know that you're still denying that since everything is still overshadowed by anger and hate but I know, no, we all know that you still have feelings for him."

"What are you talking about?" I asked, my brows furrowed.

Lander smiled. "I wanted to try but I know that you'll always choose what's best for your son," he replied, sadness is visible in his tone.

I wasn't able to say anything and just stared at him. He has a point. And, that's what I realized after Arthur told me that he already informed his parents about Ethan. Since that day, he has been doing things to become a father to our son. He has been visiting Ethan, buying toys for him. He always buys things for him.

Not just that. He is also buying things for me. Always find time to have a chat with me and compliments everything that I'm doing. I was even surprised how everything changed all of a sudden. He is doing things to me that he never did before. He even asked me out for dinner that I politely declined since I wanted to spend the night with my son.

"I'm sorry Lander," I sadly said.

"It's fine. As long as you are happy at what you have and where you are now," he responded. "But, you need to promise me that you'll tell me if something happen between you and Arthur that will cause you pain," he immediately added.

"Arthur and I are not yet together Lander. For now, the thing that I can promise you is that, I'll not immediately give Arthur my full trust just like before. I'll give him time to show me and his son his sincerity and care."

Lander nodded in response. "That's definitely the right thing for you to do."

I nodded in reponse. I glanced at my wrist watch and was surprised to see the time. I look at Lander who just smiled at me. "Since we are both done eating our meal, I guess it's time to go," he said making me smile. Lander is really a good man. He can easily understand what people around him is feeling.

Lander takes the attention of one of the restaurant crews and asked for the bill. Once the bill is in his hand, he brought out his wallet and paid the bill before we head out of the restaurant.

"Are we going to drop by the café?" he asked once we are inside his car.

"No need. I trust my staff's. I know that they're doing good."

"Your employees are lucky."

I smiled before glancing at him. "You are wrong. I'm the lucky one since my employees are all trusted and are all willing to be part of my business," I responded.

"You know how to recognize their work and achievements that is why they know how to give their all for you."

I silently agreed to what Lander said. Lander acknowledged my silent reply and drives off the busy street to our house. Our ride from the restaurant to our house is filled with silence. For me, it's all what we need.

"Thanks for the dinner and for the ride," I said as I'm taking my seat belt off of me. After a long ride, we are now infront of the house.

"My pleasure," says Lander making me smile.

"You want to have coffee first before leaving?"

"Nope. I have lots of things to do. I still didn't prepare my belongings."

I nodded in response. "Well, thank you Lander for everything."

"You're always welcome Isabelle. You know that I can always lend my shoulders for you."

I smiled. "I know," I replied. "And, I wish you all the best in finding a woman you deserve," I immediately added making him let out a small laugh.

"Well, I've already found one but sadly, someone owned her already," he replied making me shake my head.

"There are lots of fishes in the ocean. I would be one of the happiest woman once you finally find the woman destined for you."

Lander nodded. We just stared at each other for I don't know how long before I find myself out of the car. I just give Lander one last wave and a smile before he drives off the street once again. That time, I know that Lander will be away for sometime. A small smile appeared on my lips and watch as Lander's car disappeared from my sight.

I entered the house once Roger closed the gate. I told him to go and have some rest after he is done with what he is doing. I was even surprised when Arthur meets me at the doorway. I glanced at my wrist watch. It's already late but he is still here.

"Why are you still here?" I asked.

He just nods at me in response before walking towards the living room. I silently followed him while my heart is pounding. What could be his problem?


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