Chapter 15

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Isabelle Fernandina

I woke with someone jumping on my bed. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Ethan, jumping up and down. "Ethan, can you stop what you're doing. My head is aching," I said.

Ethan immediately stopped what he is doing and sits beside me. He pulled the sheets off of my body. "Wake up. Daddy is waiting downstairs," he said.

I smiled at him. I slowly pushed myself up of my bed. "Okay, okay. I'll just brush my teeth," I replied making my son nod in response. I tapped his head before heading towards my bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. Once done, I tied my hair and headed out of my room with my son.

"Ethan, watch your step and stop running!" I warned my son as he runs fast on the stair. Ethan just laughed as a response and even runs faster until he arrived at the bottom.

"You're such a naughty child. You shouldn't do that again, okay?" I scolded him once I'm standing infront of him. My son just nodded but still wearing a smile.

"Stop scolding your son."

I glared at Arthur who just came from the kitchen holding a mug of coffee on both hands. "Come on, that's why your son is not listening to me," I replied as we followed him to the living room.

He put the mug down at the center table before he sits down on the sofa. Ethan, who is holding my hand run towards him and immediately climb on his lap. Arthur kissed him on his forehead before looking up at me. He taps the space beside him.

Without even thinking twice, I walked towards them and sits beside him. Ethan stretched his feet and put it on my lap. "Ethan is already a big man, if something happened to him, it's all his fault. If he fell down the stairs, then he can't blame anyone," he said as stares at me.

I heaved a deep sigh before nodding. "Okay. You have a point but you don't need to tell me to stop scolding him infront of him," I replied to which he smiled.

He take my hand that is holding Ethan's right foot. "I'm sorry," he said.

"Are you done talking?" asked my son after we stared at each other for I don't know how long. We both diverted our attention to him who is smiling at us.

"Well, we are not yet done but for you -" Arthur replied before tickling our son. Our son laughed out loud like there is no tomorrow. When I noticed that our son is out of breath, I immediately told Arthur to stop.

"Stop tickling our son. He is out of breath."

Arthur stopped and let our son breath. "Why did you come early? I thought you're going to have a meeting?" I asked Arthur as Ethan takes his rest on Arthur's lap.

"I cancelled the meeting to spend time with you and our son," he responded.

"Daddy told me that we will go out," my son butts in.

"Really?" I asked as I stared at Arthur. He just smiled and nods his head.

"But we've been going out these past few days? The last time we went out was the day before yesterday."

"Well, I just want to spend more time with you and our son."

"I know but how about your company. I mean your business? My café? These past days, I only visited the café ones."

"Don't worry because my company is still operating and I guess your café is also earning a profit. Even if we go out everyday, we can still live and have everything we want."

"But -"

"No buts, Isabelle. Look, Ethan is happy to be with us. Are you not happy with that?"

I glanced at my son who is staring at me with smile on his lips. My heart softened at what I saw. "Okay. Where are we going this time?" I asked as my hearts gives in.

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