They Meet Again

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There is music added for this chapter
so I hope you enjoy


Today is the day I meet my potential contractual partner and a sense of nervousness drenches me each time I think about it. I gently rubbed the bracelet that they gifted me as I walked through the entrance to my garden. As I walked farther through the empty garden it made me feel at ease. Surrounded by the lovely scene my blooming flowers created, with the mix of the light scents they emit and the clear crisp sounds of the Hermit Thrush song filled my senses. While walking I felt a sudden chill down my spine. I looked back to see Amy and Marcy staring at me like a hawk does its prey. "Didn't we tell you not to go anywhere?" Amy asked with her smile now looking menacing. "You know you have an appointment today, right?" Marcy then chimed in with the same menacing grin Amy had. I nervously asked "Did I?" trying to back away, but before I could take a step back they each grabbed one side of my shoulders. "My lady, with all due respect, a proper lady would not be late and we only have 3 hours to get you ready," they both said in sync with each other. If I didn't know better I would believe it was practiced how well it matched. Before I could say a word they both dragged me off to my bathroom. As we entered the room, the sweet scent of peonies consumed the atmosphere. Rose was at the side of the tub adding the petals and fragrance oil to the water. They got me out of my clothes and I went into the tub. As I submerged in the warmth of the water I felt even less nervous about the date. Rose and Marcy scrubbed my body while Amy massaged me. When Rose and Marcy were finished they left leaving Amy to wash my hair. She applied the soap to my scalp and started to massage it. She then washed the soap out and combed out my hair. "All done, my lady," she said holding out her hand so I could get out. I held onto her hand and stepped out of the bath, she then dried me off with a towel and helped me put on my robe. We left the bathroom and I was placed to sit at my vanity. "My lady what dress would you want to wear today" Rose asked showing me the rack of dresses. "I want something purple and white today to match the brooch I was given" I responded. She then took out a dress and started to look for matching items to go with it. Marcy and Amy got to work with one doing my hair and the other with my makeup. Rose came over with the white star sapphire necklace Grandma gave me and put it around my neck.

3 hours had passed when I was finally ready. I looked in the mirror in awe. I loved everything about my look, the curls in my hair, my beautiful purple and white gown, my laced white gloves, my light makeup, and my jewelry. "Thank you guys for this," I said tightly hugging them. "Of course my lady, we're glad you like our work," they all said.

After our hug, we left my room and were now walking to the carriage.

Amy: "So who is the person you're going on this date with?"

"You, see about that..." I responded nervously.

Marcy: "I was wondering the same thing"

"I actually don't know who I'm meeting."

They immediately stopped in their footsteps and looked at me in complete disbelief.

Amy: "You're joking right?"

"Thanks again for the help I'll see you guys later."

I quickly ran off leaving them to stand there. I got into the carriage, and I was now off to meet my potential husband. Though the ride was short I could only think of who I was going to meet.

{20 minutes later}

"We're here my lady," the coachman said as he opened the carriage door with his hand stretched out. I got down and walked over to the café where we were to meet. When I entered, an attendant came up to me.

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