ONE (1)

567 20 1

"Opposites Attract"

Kim Y/n ❤️‍🩹

"Asshole" I mumbled, slamming the door to my boss' office shut, they think they're heads and they can do anything. They're not wrong. But still.

Why? Because I mis-labled a file, I know it's my fault but if one of his boys had to do it, he let's it go and takes them for a fucking beer.

I've been working at Seoul Heartbeat Hospital for 3 years now. And trust me it freaking sucks.

All of them are assholes, but I stay here cause I earned this fucking job.

Taking off my glasses, I closed my eyes, gripping onto the file tightly, taking a deep breath, I gathered myself, walking into my cabin, before I heard the alarm ring in the hospital.

"DR KIM! ITS A CODE BLUE!" One of my nurses said, as I quickly rushed to the ER (emergency room)

Rushing in the room, i watched as the woman bled like a volcano. Wear my gloves and mask quickly I checked her vitals.

She was in an accident, and the her stomach had a large glass piece. I was thankful it didn't go as deep. Sighing, I went in.

After 4 hours if constant and careful surgery, we managed to get her stable.

Sighing I walked out of the room. I closed my eyes, pressing my back against the wall and sinking down to the floor.

Taking off my glasses, I rubbed my eyes.
The smell of chemicals,medicines and that specific dis-infects that our hospital used.

I'll just sit here for a while.
Jeon Jungkook 🖤

The sound of the engine heating up, tires screeching and the chuckled that came out of Me could be heard by almost everyone.

But suddenly, a car took over me. This motherfucker, I stopped laughing, pressing on the pedal hard. Zooming past the guy, I looked at him laughing and realised I wasn't looking infront.

And I went straight crashing, I yelled, screeching and coming to a halt. My head hitting the sides of the car, and my body completely jerking, getting itself cut and bruised.

Thank God I was atleast wearing a helmet. But because of the impact. My head was bleeding.

But. The bruises and scars. Completely visible. And BLEEDING.

"MOTHER-" I heard Taehyung yell, as he pulled me out, pain engulfed me. I groaned.
Watching them, as Jimin and Taehyung hyung panicked.

Lying on the floor, deep in pain. I laughed taking off my helmet, heavily breathing."I'm fucking fine! And I won!" I said, smiling. And before I knew it. I was out. Knocked out.

Out cold.

Jesus. How long was i out? I woke up to the sound of a monitor beeping, the smell of medicines filling my sense. As I groaned.

Looking around, I realised, i was in a hospital. Suddenly I realised. "AERA!" I yelled before getting up. But I was stopped. Hearing a giggle behind me.

I turned around to see her sitting with Jin hyung, i sighed, as he stared at me with angry eyes. And there came the scoldings.

I slowly took aera from his arms. As she smiled, snuggling into me. "Ap-appa" she said, melting my heart everytime. It never gets old.

She's just a year old. And she's adorable. And she's my daughter. Kissing her forehead. I pulled her closer to my chest. As I heard the door open revealing Taehyung.

"Alright the doc is here" he said. I turned around giving aera to Jin hyung. And when i turned back. I was starstruck.

There stood a short woman, glasses on her nose, in her blue uniform and white coat. Her pink lips and chubby cheeks made me wanna- wait. Hold on.

I read the badge in her coat. "Dr Kim Y/n." It read. I smiled. I like her.

"Good Evening Mr Jeon, how are you feeling?" She asked, with a simple smile on her face. I just kept staring, but Taehyung hyungs voice got me out of my trance.

"Jin hyung and I will get aera some food. Get treated and then we'll talk" he said, as the three of them walked out. Leaving me and Y/n. Or Dr. Kim alone.

"I'm Dr Kim. I'll be your doctor. For the next three days." She said, as I smiled. "Nice to meet you Dr Kim." I said looking at her movements.

She smiled. "I'm here to check some vitals and change your bandages" she said, wearing her gloves.

"Take off your shirt" she said, as I smirked.
"Already? Slow down sweetheart we just met" I said, as she chuckled "very funny." She said. Before I smiled, taking off my shirt.

Her cheeks became a slight pink, she looked away, before taking a breathe and coming closer. She's adorable.

Taking off my bandage one by one, she started re-doing them and treating them as I stared at her doing so. Her fingertips touching my skin as she gently re-applied the ointments.

"How do you feel?" She asked. As I looked at her, smiling. "Amazing."
💗: ayo- I know I'm like disappearing - I'll try my best, cause it's exams week ya know. Sooo bare with me. Ily <3

Until next time <3

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