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I did not believe in falling in love with a real person. Now I'm not going to lie after some of my own experiences with guys I realized maybe dating wasn't meant for me
Or maybe I was looking for the right guy in a wrong world
Doesn't matter this isn't some romantic comedy about my dating life. I wish it was though maybe then me and him could have had a happy ending but reality hits hard. Harder than that truck hitting Regina George in mean girls.

I wish I'd said I love you one last time at least

Life sucks, it sucks even more when you 're in your final year of college only for your parents to tell you one day.

Hey totally not a truth bomb but we 're not your real parents you 're adopted.

Okay my adopted parents did not say that but I translated it. In hindsight I understood things better even more why my skin color was a little darker than my parents at first, I thought must be some recessive genes or shit whatnot. Turns out it wasn't. Suddenly everything came crashing down on me I still remember everything from that day crystal clear it's etched in my memory forever and I don't wish to forget everything.

"NO MOM YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND OKAY TURNS OUT YOU ALL HAVE BEEN LYING TO ME ALL THESE YEARS AND WHAT NOT I'M NOT MAD AT THE FACT THAT YOU GUYS ADOPTED ME IM MAD AT THE FACT THAT YOU GUYS LIED TO ME" I screamed in my phone while handling my bicycle in one hand, trying my best not to stumble into anyone or anything.

"No Kia... honey please try to understand we love you okay..." My mother 's voice broke and she started crying. Even though my mother wasn't my real mother anymore still I had to do what they taught me.

"Mom please.. don't make this worse than it has to be okay... I love you guys too but right now I just need some space" I mumbled while I walked my bicycle over to the campus bicycle stand and removing my helmet simultaneously.

"Kia honey... I know this is hard for you please we love you. I know this is sudden and soon but please come home once we'll tell you everything alright?" Dad tried to calm the situation down while I could hear Mom sobbing in the background I tried my best not to cry myself too.

"Dad and Mom I promise you guys I'm not even mad just disappointed please.. give me space and I'll meet you guys over break okay?" I fixed myself up and reassured them.

I was feeling disappointed and kind of stressed many question ran through as I set foot on campus
Were they ever my parents? Did they adopt me out of obligation? Did they feel guilty over not telling me for all these years?

My feet froze themselves as the one most haunting question ran through my mind which I hadn't even thought about till now until I reached the campus gate.

Who are my real parents?


"THE ANSWER IS FUCKING 42" I screamed at one of my annoying male classmate as he rambled on and on about how he got the best SAT score.

"As you wish Kia I said the answer is 13 so it is 13" David laughed sternly with a confident smug look on his face which I so badly wanted to wipe off. I knew my answer was correct there were no calculation errors neither any mistakes I had rechecked not once but twice. The whole class were busy in themselves, some laughing of them making fun of me for fighting with David, some of them were busy in their own world and the rest others were just dead ass sleeping.

"SILENCE CLASS" Mrs. Keating screamed at the whole class and well the whole class went silent.
"Now back to your queries Mr Mason and Miss Williams who are the only attentive in my class as always" Mrs. Keating eyed the whole class with a look which said one thing
Calm before the storm.
She solved the equation on the board while I rechecked my answer for the fifth time again, and she spoke up,

"Well it looks like Miss Williams was correct the answer to the limit of x is 42 and Mr. David I understand you have this urgency to calculate any sum as fast as possible but your keep your hilly Billy attitude out of my class when you enter this room" She scolded David while I controlled my laughter.

This was the same guy who had gotten an almost perfect SAT score while, here in college Maths class stumbled upon a basic Limits questions , I had every right to laugh after all that asshole had nothing but ego and apparently everyone in the class liked him for some reason. David 's smirk wiped off his face while I smiled at myself again. Maths wasn't my most best subject growing up hell I didn't even like it , I wanted to drop out of Maths and Opt for Biology instead but something in me told me I had to take Maths after all and I did. Even though it's been hard but still I try my best in this class.

"Alright, class is dismissed everyone and Mrs. Williams please stand by while others go on" everyone went up from their seats and exited out of the class while I walked over to Mrs. Keating.

"Look Kia, you have a bright mind and frankly enough I have high expectations from you I know I'm suddenly calling you like this but there 's this summer school program which provides great recommendation letter for internships. I gave David and your name as the candidates but only one of you can go and there 's also a catch both of you need to come up with a theory as to why we need Maths in life. I know the... question sounds simple but trust me it needs to be genuine with real life applications and how you can apply maths in simple daily life problems. David has already pitched his idea to me I 'd love to hear about yours." Mrs Keating looked at me with a hopeful expression on her face while I thought about it.

Summer school pragramme, internship then maybe college professor isn't that what you want Kia?! To become a teacher? This is perfect say yes!?.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes
"Yes Mrs Keating I'd be happy to work on this course and gain some experience who knows maybe I will learn something" I smiled at Mrs. Keating
"Great I'll send over the details to you" Mrs Keating clapped her hands and looked at me with a bright look on her face.
"Good Luck Kia"

"And okay so there 's apparently this hot guy in that anime named Sukuna and I'm simping over him didi you won't believe it.. AAHAHAH" Niharika screamed at me in the canteen hall while I calmly chewed on my food.

" Honestly I wish I could watch this series which you're talking about but right now I need to tell you something important" I finished my food and clasped my hands while Niharika held her black hair and tied them in a ponytail.

"Okay didi fine but last point there 's thid another hot blonde blue eyed guy who I'm totally sure you 'll fall in love with-"

Then I calmly explained everything to Niharika what happened in Mrs. Keating 's class, My summer school programme and the truth bomb.

"Wait so shit like your adopted and your parents are telling you this now?! Girl i- if i were you I'd have demanded them information about my real family now. Wow but it kind of makes sense?" Niharika said with a keen look on her face.


"Well for starters your birth name was Kanika right?" I nod.

"And your parents' are caucasians while you look Asian at first i thought maybe its just a coincidence but now it kind of makes sense but have you asked them who are your real parents?"

"It is now my biggest worry Niharika you mean to tell me the parents whom I fought tooth and hard for to get into this college to make them proud are not my real family? God I just wish this all was a dream." I said while I put my hands over head.

"Didi remember when we met the first day? You treated me like family since day one now it is my turn to take care of you after all even if we' re not related we're still family right?"
Niharika smiled at me and now I remembered why I was friends no not friends best friends with this emo anime loving kid. She called me didi because in India apparently you call your eldest sister didi so I naturally grew accustomed to it.
"Yes we are a family" I reassured her and my myself maybe this was going to be okay and hugged her tightly.

The day finally ended. I said bye to Niharika and ended up taking out my bicycle while wearing my helmet. As I was taking it out and just setting it on the curb.
A car came with full speed on me.

Silence all around was all I remember before I see people gather around me and I close my eyes while taking deep breaths.

My Last Wish - A Gojo Satoru FicWhere stories live. Discover now